Pokémon GO: You have chosen the best generation of Pokémon, here is the ranking

Pokémon GO currently has 8 different generations - which is the best?

We asked you which is the best generation with the coolest Pokémon. In the ranking we show you generations 1 to 8 from popular to unpopular.

In Pokémon GO you can catch monsters from different generations and experience battles or other adventures with them. Sure, with the first generation everyone still knows and can correctly assign the individual names from Magikarp to Pikachu to Relaxo.

But does that make the generation popular? And does that mean that the youngest generations are also the least popular? You were able to vote and chose a clear winner. But the “losers” are very close together.

The most popular Pokémon generations in the ranking

This was the poll: In November 2022, we asked you which of 8 Pokémon generations you think is the best. We have shown you pictures of all Pokémon in each region and named a few highlights such as the corresponding starters.

Each participant had one vote to allocate. On November 24 at 2:35 p.m. 1,434 people voted. You came to the following conclusion:

  1. Generation 1 (Kanto region) with 865 votes, equal to about 60%
  2. Generation 2 (Johto region) with 194 votes, corresponds to about 14%
  3. Generation 3 (Hoenn region) with 143 votes, corresponds to about 10%
  4. Generation 4 (Sinnoh region) with 85 votes, corresponds to about 6%
  5. Generation 8 (Galar/Hisui region) with 60 votes, about 4%
  6. Generation 6 (Kalos region) with 34 votes, corresponds to about 2%
  7. Generation 7 (Alola region) with 30 votes, equal to about 2%
  8. Generation 5 (Unova region) with 23 votes, equals about 2%
Pokemon GO Full Kanto
The Kanto region is your favorite

This is noticeable: The Kanto region that started the Pokémon series and games on the Gameboy is the most popular among voting users here on MeinMMO. And at a huge distance. Generation 2 with the Pokémon from the Johto region is already far behind in second place.

But the scheme does not go through completely. It’s not the newest region from the list that comes last. Instead, the Unova region hardly gets any votes from you.

Let us know in the comments why you voted for which generation and why the Unova region came last.
