You only have 4 days left to secure a unique mount in WoW – and it’s really easy

You only have 4 days left to secure a unique mount in WoW - and it's really easy

Dragonflight, the new expansion for World of Warcraft, will be released soon. With the release, a lot of old content will disappear, including a fancy dragon mount. You can still secure it now. All you have to do is have a death knight in WoW Classic play for a few minutes.

What mount is this? The Frostbrood Proto-Wyrm uses the Proto-Dragon model with a unique skin. The pale, bluish skin is torn and smoldering with the blue, unholy magic Arthas used to revive Sindragosa.

Additionally, the dragon has a skeletal skull with antler-like horns to match its undead demeanor.

How long do I have left? Once Dragonflight appears at 0:00 on the night of November 29th, you will no longer be able to get the dragon. We don’t know whether the dragon will ever return later.

WoW boss Ion Hazzikostas said in an interview that certain mounts, titles and achievements should remain exclusive: “Those who weren’t there just missed it.” (via wowhead) So you should hurry up now to secure the mount. Because you don’t have to do much for it anyway.

You can find all information about Dragonflight in our overview. Here’s a video of what the Frostbrood Protowyrm looks like in action:

You can get a new mount in WoW, but you have to play Classic for that

Unlock Frostbrood Protowyrm – How To

This is what you have to do for it: To secure the mount, all you have to do is create a death knight in WoW Classic and use it to complete the special starting area. Depending on the speed, this should take a maximum of 1-2 hours.

Once you’ve done that, look at your mount collection in WoW Retail. There you will find a gift package containing the proto-drake. Open it and add the mount to your collection.

You don’t need any prerequisites to play Classic. If your WoW subscription is active, you have access to both retail and classic. All you have to do then is download and start the Classic client. Since the versions share some data, the download shouldn’t be too big if you already have Dragonflight installed.

You can then create your first death knight on any server without having to own another character there. Death knights used to be very different than they are now and actually required a level 55 character for you to be able to play the class. The restriction was removed in WoW Classic, at least for the first death knight.

There’s more content that’s disappearing from the game with Dragonflight, at least for now. We have therefore prepared a list for you with things that you should still do before the release if you don’t want to miss them:

WoW Dragonflight will be released in 4 days – 3 things you should do beforehand while you can