35 years of Vermeer: ​​Interview with developers Ralf Glau and Andreas Kemnitz – News

35 years of Vermeer: ​​Interview with developers Ralf Glau and Andreas Kemnitz - News

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35 years vermeer – it’s been so long since that Ralph Glau significantly shaped the pioneering days of German trading simulations with his game. To Hanse With Vermeer, he immediately continued the success of his first work and, together with the software house Ariolasoft, showed that good games at that time did not only have to come from the USA or England.

The YouTube channel recently celebrated its 35th anniversary “Magisthan’s Game Box” from Andreas Ochs as an opportunity to present the game in all its aspects as part of a retrospective. In addition to the presentation of the different box arts for the different computer systems, the corresponding versions are also briefly played.

However, the main focus of the video is on the interview with the intellectual creator of the game, Ralf Glau. He recalls the emergence of Vermeer and how the development and marketing of computer games has changed from today. One or the other secret, for example about missing pictures in the programs, will still be uncovered as far as possible. In addition to Ralf Glau is also coming Andreas Kemnitz to word that along with Paul Forterer was responsible for creating the Commodore 64 version. He also travels back in time to 1987 and describes his memories of the creation of Vermeer. A video that is really worth seeing and a beautiful contemporary document on one of the most well-known German computer games of the time.
