MoistCr1TiKal Warns YouTube Will Overtake Twitch If ‘Junk’ Changes Are Not Reverted Dexerto

Published: 2022-11-28T05:40:00

Updated: 2022-11-28T06:09:14

Content creator Charlie ‘MoistCr1TiKal’ White thinks it might just be a matter of time until YouTube overtakes Twitch as the top streaming platform if the Amazon-backed company doesn’t reverse some recent changes.

As 2023 approaches, the streaming wars show no signs of slowing down. With Mixer going down, Facebook Gaming continuing to struggle, and TikTok emerging as a new competitor, two giants continue to trade blows at the top of the pack: Twitch and YouTube.

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Rival brands have been vying for the top spot in recent years, enhancing the viewer experience, offering incentives and securing many of the biggest names on multi-year deals. And while MoistCr1TiKal, a popular draw on both platforms, still believes that “Twitch is the best platform right now,” he cautions that YouTube isn’t far from taking the lead.

The article continues after the announcement.

It all comes down to the recent changes on Twitch, changes that, in his opinion, don’t fully benefit many of the leading personalities streaming there today. Namely, the September announcement about changes to the revenue split, reducing all streamers to a 50/50 revenue split compared to the current 70/30 that many top figures enjoy, could be the final straw. glass.

twitch transmissionTwitch

Twitch executives have doubled down since the announcement, refusing to back down and continue to support with a 70/30 split.

“It shows a very clear lack of understanding,” Moist said of this recent news during an appearance on the Trash Taste podcast. “Twitch is super bloated, they have so many engineers, but I can’t name anything good that they’ve put out in the last five years.”

The article continues after the announcement.

From his perspective, it seems illogical to push for new changes that affect streamers’ revenue: “You’d think the last thing he wants to target is streamers.

“I looked it up recently, 76% of all Twitch traffic comes from the top 1% of streamers. Targeting them might push them to go to YouTube where it is [a 70/30 revenue split] and usually receive a bag for the switch. The last resort should be taking from the streamers.”

Not only are popular faces turning away, but Moist also claims that the new advertising schemes could spell doom for Twitch in the long run.

“If they keep putting so many ads in people’s faces… [Twitch is] is going to be defeated by YouTube. The ads are outrageous.”

The article continues after the announcement.

Moist breaks down Twitch vs YouTube at 1:02:12 below.

With such a heavy emphasis on ads, coupled with the revenue split dwindling, it may not be long until the red brand takes over, according to Moist.

“They are putting too much emphasis on incentivizing streamers to run ads. By eliminating that division, they keep promoting their ad incentive program to make up for it, which is super scum.”

Only time will tell how it all plays out, but for now, Moist still isn’t going anywhere. Claiming that Twitch is still the best platform for live streaming today, he will stay put. But no one can guess for how long, if certain changes are not rolled back soon.

The article continues after the announcement.

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