Deadpool 3: Hugh Jackman explains why he came out of retirement as Wolverine – Dexerto

Published: 2022-11-30T23:50:10

Updated: 2022-11-30T23:50:20

Hugh Jackman says he was ready to stay out of the role of Wolverine, but then changed his mind to return in Deadpool 3.

Ever since the surprise reveal that Hugh Jackman would be returning for Deadpool 3 as Wolverine, theories have been running wild as to why Jackman decided to return.

The actor previously stated that his intention was for the 2017 film Logan to be the character’s final sendoff, which is why his return in Deadpool’s first MCU outing was so shocking.

However, in a recent interview, Jackman revealed the reason why he drew his three swords.

The article continues after the announcement.

Jackman Reveals Why He Changed His Mind About Deadpool 3

In a recent interview with Deadline, Jackman revealed what happened between Logan and his return for Deadpool 3.

“Well, I had been watching Deadpool for 20 minutes and had just announced literally a few weeks before that Logan would be the last one, which was my intention. And then I was like, ‘Uh-oh.’”

Jackman explained that when he originally announced that he was done playing Wolverine, he really meant it. He also cleared up any misconceptions that his good friend and Deadpool actor Ryan Reynolds hounded him into returning to the role.

Wolverine Deadpool 3YouTube: Ryan Reynolds

Hugh Jackman returns as Wolverine in Deadpool 3.

Instead, from the sounds of this interview, it all came down to timing, with the first Deadpool movie being released in 2016, just before Logan started filming.

The article continues after the announcement.

By all accounts, it sounds like Jackman is excited to come out of retirement and play in the newly opened Marvel multiverse with his friend.

While it may seem like a cop for Jackman to return, he wasn’t doing his friend or Disney a favor. Instead, as Jackman put it, “somewhere deep down, this idea was obviously lurking and brewing.”