Beta drivers and more: Nvidia taunts AMD and Intel

Beta drivers and more: Nvidia taunts AMD and Intel

from Yusuf Hatic
The topic of driver development seems to be a welcome argument for Nvidia to tease AMD and Intel. The green camp wants to see a clear advantage over the competition simply by looking at the quantity of driver releases.

Nvidia does not let the swipe from April 2022, in which the company accuses “inferior beta drivers with minimal tests” as part of a presentation of the GPU competition around AMD and Intel, rest. Sean Pelletier, in his capacity as Senior Product Manager, published a screenshot of an Excel spreadsheet on Twitter in which he wants to see clear data on the number of driver releases.

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As a result, in 2022 alone, as of December 8th, Nvidia released 18 WHQL-certified drivers, which in turn support 69 games. AMD and Intel, on the other hand, lag behind in a quantitative comparison with only six each, and the number of supported games is also significantly lower at 29 and 28 titles respectively. A similar picture emerged in the previous year, with Nvidia having the lead over AMD (five) and Intel (nine) with 20 WHQL-certified drivers. Instead, both companies would focus on beta drivers, which Nvidia sees as inferior.

Whether the conclusion drawn, that Nvidia is the better GPU solution in terms of quality as well as the frequency of its driver releases, is worth discussing: the current game-ready drivers have to be equipped with a hotfix time and time again, as is the case, for example, in the This was the case with version 526.47 last month – performance drops in the games Cyberpunk 2077, Forza Horizon 5 or Modern Warfare 2 were reported here.

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