Birth of a Microsoft Founder (PCGH-Retro, January 21)

Birth of a Microsoft Founder (PCGH-Retro, January 21)

from Henner Schroeder
Birth of a Microsoft founder – this happened on January 21st. Every day, PC Games Hardware takes a look back at the young but eventful history of the computer.

…1953: January 21st is Paul Gardner Allen’s birthday – and it is he who, 22 years later, together with his college friend Bill Gates, founds a software company called “Micro-Soft”, which will later dominate the computer world as “Microsoft”. It is also Allen who, in 1980, arranges a deal that will bring Microsoft an operating system called QDOS – the operating system that will shortly thereafter be installed as MS-DOS on almost all IBM PCs. Paul Allen initially worked on the board of directors, but later only as a consultant for the company that made him a multi-billionaire. Paul Allen died on October 15, 2018 at the age of 65 from complications from cancer.