HandOfBlood and his office for 2.5 million euros: Insights into his company and future plans

HandOfBlood neues Büro für Unternehmen

HandOfBlood hasn’t been simple for a long time YouTuber. He has now several companies founded and seems to be far from finished. Only recently are they new office space finished, which now represent the heart of his company. A guided tour not only gives an insight into the premises, but also into future plans.

HandOfBlood: New office for 2.5 million euros

Two years ago there was already a video about this office. At that time it was supposed to be finished within half a year. Now the time has finally come and the 1200 square meters area are related.

“It took three years instead of half a year and was three times as expensive. Pandemic, war of aggression on Ukraine, lack of raw materials in the world, but now the boom is done.”

With a renovation price of 2.5 million euros can take your breath away. However, anyone who knows what Hänno has planned for the coming months and years will recognize that he will need a lot of space.

Who works in the new office? So far, two companies have moved into the complex. INSTINCT3the creative agency founded by Max, and Eintracht Spandau. The esports team has been competing in the Prime League against established teams like SK Gaming Prime and Mouz for a year now.

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Big plans require a lot of space

The office still looks pretty uninhabited. A lot of space for an esports team and a few editors. HandOfBlood already has plans for other companies. An influencer merchandise brand called BRAV3 and a brand new one esports agency are already established.

Further start-ups are either already planned or want to be worked out. With a holding as “mother ship” should the individual companies tied together become and work together.

“We believe in creating a network of companies that synergize super well with each other and add value and rock the shit.”

For these big plans, Max now has a tidy office in which quite a few written success stories could become.
