The video game with the best beginning – and what are these cheap titles doing at Nintendo?!

The video game with the best beginning - and what are these cheap titles doing at Nintendo?!

I hope you’re ready for our latest Quick Talk event, because today we’re going to be discussing some of the most important terms that have plagued the video game industry for ages, such as how rogue-like and rogue-lite relate to indies since The Binding of Isaac and before and whether the separation of remake, remaster, re-imagining and co makes sense from today’s point of view, as it is done quite naturally.

But let’s start with something nice, because the first question is about games that made us particularly memorable.

What was the best way to start a game?

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Martin’s answer came straight out of the gun: For him, the beginning of GTA V brings back the best memories. Melanie, on the other hand, thinks it’s good when games give you a decision right at the beginning that changes the entire course of the game. Benjamin S. doesn’t like it when games take you by the hand for too long and I love the revelation of a brave new world at the beginning of a game. In this context, a lot of titles were dropped that we either have really good or extremely bad memories of.

Which remaster is the best?

Where do you draw the line between a remake and a remaster, or do you just invent a new term? We weren’t sure about Catherine: Full Body either.

Actually, the bad remasters stick in your head, because you want to play old games on current console generations as well as possible. But what were the really good remasters of the last few years? And wouldn’t it be ideal to do a remake right away if the game is too far behind? A question that seems so clear, but has a lot to do with it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s licensing rights, studios that no longer exist, budgets, lack of time or simply the many upcoming projects: an incredible number of factors play into the decision whether a team decides on a remaster, remake or something completely different.

Rogue Like or Rogue Lite?

While Martin doesn’t stop raving about Dead Cells (rightly so!), Ben mentions one thing I would immediately agree on when it comes to rogues: Aren’t rogue-lites the natural progression of rogue-likes? Melanie also knows this from card games like Slay the Spire. Often rogue likes have too much potential for frustration and just to be “the cool one” who is still standing at the end, you don’t really like to be thrown out of the flow of the game. Oh, and what a thorny topic we ended up veering into – you have to see it for yourself in the video above!

How do you feel about the three topics? Let’s discuss it in the comments. Feel free to leave us any additional questions in the comments, which will randomly end up in the weekly episodes.