WoW: How casual and twink friendly is WotLK Classic going to be?

Not only was Naxxramas very easy in WotLK, you can tackle the raid with just ten players.

As we looking back at WoW Classic over the last year, we came to the conclusion that the bottom line is that the vanilla reboot is a lot more casual and twink-friendly than it was in large parts in 2005 and 2006, respectively. The main reason for this is certainly the low level of difficulty of the dungeon and raid challenges. If you don’t focus on the best possible logs or blatant speedrun records, you could use most of the instanced content in the ID cycle without spending a lot of time. Only with phase 6 and Naxxramas did the effort for the weekly preparation intensify.

Again, thanks to the boosting meta, it was easy to get multiple alts to level 60 without spending too much time. Even the most reluctant twink in our guild had multiple characters at max level. And thanks to Zul’Gurub and Co., you could equip them quite properly in record time. Not casual-friendly at all – apart from Naxxramas – was the honor system, in which the invested time is the most important currency.

WoW | Wrath of the Lich King Classic is coming – that’s changing!

How casual-friendly was TBC Classic?

In Outland, casual gamers could then breathe a sigh of relief. World buffs play no role here, and due to the consumables adjustments, players can only throw in a very limited number of bottles, elixirs, etc. (one bottle or a combination of combat and guardian elixir is allowed, plus buff food , Gun Oils/Whetstones/Poisons and special items like Resistance Potions).

But in the TBC era there are several complex attunement quest lines and umpteen reputation requirements that you absolutely have to complete if you want to see certain instances from the inside early on. Challenges await you in these, which are on average much crisper than those from WoW (buy now ) Classic. That sometimes costs more time (and gold, especially for all the haste or destruction potions that you throw in like Tic Tac).

Not only was Naxxramas very easy in WotLK, you can tackle the raid with just ten players.

Not only was Naxxramas very easy in WotLK, you can tackle the raid with just ten players.

Source: Blizzard

WotLK Classic brings more options

In principle, only two raid instances are aimed at a casual target group (Karazhan and Zul’Aman) in the TBC era, but Wrath of the Lich King offers significantly more choice. First, because all raid challenges come in 10-player and 25-player variants. Secondly, because the developers have also introduced additional levels of difficulty or optional hard modes in the course of the expansion. And thirdly, the victors of Wintergrasp can challenge up to four different world bosses in Archavon’s Vault, which are very simple across the board.

In addition, there are no more lengthy attunement quests in Northrend, and you don’t have to farm for resistance clothes either. 10-player groups who want to defeat all bosses on the normal level of difficulty and without hardmodes should therefore master the entire WotLK Classic raid content across all phases with comparatively little time.

There are various optional hardmodes in Ulduar that casual raid groups can ignore.

There are various optional hardmodes in Ulduar that casual raid groups can ignore.

Source: Blizzard

In the dungeon area, there are the options known from TBC Classic with Normal and Heroic, although it is certainly stupid for many casual players that the automated dungeon browser introduced with Patch 3.3 will not come. On the plus side, the balance in patch 3.3.5 of WotLK was quite good. In other words, almost every specialization delivers well enough to contribute to casual raids.