GTA 6 doesn’t have three protagonists, Insider explains

GTA 6 supposedly doesn’t have three main characters like that at GTA 5 was the case. At least that’s what the usually well-informed and well-connected insider and journalist Jason Schreier explains. He also describes a gigantic, alleged leak of the last few days as “fanfiction”.

No, GTA 6 doesn’t seem to have three playable characters

What’s the matter? To “GTA 6” and one of the many leaksthat have been doing the rounds lately. It was really extensive and should allegedly already tons of information about GTA 6 contain. There were Gameplay Details, Setting, Release Date, Story Content and much more released that would supposedly end up in the finished game. You can read most of it here:

GTA 6GTA 6: Alleged mega leak on release, story, gameplay & Co keeps the fans in suspense

Now it turns out: The whole thing came as no surprise probably more or less fictitious. At least that explains it Jason Schreier, who is usually very knowledgeable and simply referred to the mega leak as “fanfiction”. He is according to him so not real and no insider knowledgebut primarily wishful thinking.

What speaks against the leak? A lot, but above all the leak itself. As we have already noted and as Jason Schreier explains again, it works quite unlikely that anyone has so much detailed information about the game. Mainly because “GTA 6” still in development is located and many things should not yet be carved in stone. During the development of a game, everything changes all the time.

No three main characters: As an important example and apparently real insider knowledge Jason Schreier on Reddit one thing that to his knowledge, definitely wrong about the leak be. GTA 6 is not supposed to have three main playable characters have, as claimed in the alleged leak. Unfortunately, he does not reveal whether there are two, four, five or just one instead.

How many playable characters would you like for GTA 6? Tell us in the comments.