Sony with more supplies than ever – endured console drought?

The PS5 in front of camels and pyramids.

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Of: Noah Struthoff

The PS5 situation is currently relaxing more and more. There’s never been a better supply and the console is getting easier and easier to get. Is the drought over now?

Hamburg – The situation surrounding Sony’s PS5 currently seems to be easing further and further. For several months there has been a relatively regular replenishment and the drops are also available for longer and longer. In the meantime, there are even the first electronics store branches that issue the PS5 directly on pallets in the store – to take away immediately. So, is the PS5 drought over and will the console soon be stress-free to buy everywhere? That could be a fallacy. We show you how the PS5 situation could develop.

Console name PlayStation 5 (PS5)
Manufacturer Sony Interactive Entertainment (YOU)
Type Stationary game console
generation 9th console generation
storage medium Blu Ray, SSD
release November 19, 2020

Buy PS5: Console situation is easing – but will it stay that way?

This is how the PS5 situation has developed recently: Since the end of April, the bubble has burst around the PS5 and there are always lots of supplies. The flow of consoles has increased steadily, especially in the last two months. Dealers like Amazon are now dropping fresh PS5 consoles almost every week, MediaMarkt and Saturn are offering huge quantities at once, so that the PS5 sometimes remains available for more than six hours.

As a result, reseller prices have dropped massively and many of these controversial third-party providers have gone out of business with PS5. It’s simply no longer worth reselling the PS5 as profit margins have become too small and availability has become too regular. This also affects the market. Larger bundles with several games in particular have become unpopular with resellers. This is exactly what the regular providers rely on. Instead of scalpers, many “normal” buyers now have a good chance of getting the console.

It could go like this: If the intensity, which has been maintained or even increased for more than four months, continues, then the once enormous demand should be largely covered in a few months. There is currently a trend going in this direction. Drops stay available longer and longer. Some branches of MediaMarkt and Saturn, for example, even offer bundles of the PS5 directly in the store. You can go to the branch and pick up the PS5 right away without any hassle. That was unthinkable just a few months ago. So if things continue like this, the PS5 should become easier and more common to get – even in local shops.

However, the situation could change again. Comparable quantities of the PS5 were already available for sale in Christmas 2021. Directly after Christmas, the replenishment was almost completely gone for several months and there were only sporadic drops. After the summer it could be eerily quiet at least until the Christmas business.

The PS5 in front of camels and pyramids.
Buy PS5: More supplies than ever before – is the console drought over now? © Unsplash

Buy PS5: console drought over or stress under the Christmas tree?

These problems could arise at the end of the year: Difficult to imagine in midsummer, but we are slowly approaching Christmas and that’s where it could get exciting again. The demand for the PS5 will certainly traditionally increase again at this time of year. Because many small and large children want the console under the Christmas tree. As demand increases, so will the competition for consoles. If things get a little tighter around the PS5 in the coming months, then there should be another big argument about the console at Christmas.

However, Sony’s statement on the PS5 Christmas business gives some hope. There, an improved supply availability around Christmas is forecast. It remains to be seen how the situation in China will develop and whether more consoles will actually be shipped to Europe and North America. The crisis surrounding China and Taiwan certainly plays a role here. If there is further escalation there, it could well affect the production and availability of the PS5.

Nevertheless, the current situation around the PS5 looks very good and promising at the moment. If Sony maintains this pace, the supply drought should be over after the Christmas business and the console may even be available to buy directly and stress-free in the country’s electronics stores by Christmas. Until then, we recommend our live ticker on “Buy PS5”. There you will not miss a drop in Germany.