Pokémon GO: Niantic is improving 2 events for you because you’ve been so busy

Pokémon GO: Niantic is improving 2 events for you because you've been so busy

You have successfully solved the big challenge at GO Fest Sapporo in Pokémon GO. For this, Niantic is now donating hyper bonuses for the bug crawling event and the Community Day with Galar Zigzachs. We show you the new bonuses in the overview.

Why are the events being improved? Last weekend the GO Fest was held in Sapporo, Japan. Local Trainers had different tasks, and players around the world could help unlock Hyper Perks in a Global Challenge.

Apparently that worked out well, because Niantic announced that the new hyper bonuses are fixed and active at the events.

Known for Hyper Bonuses for Bug Crawling + Community Day

What changes with the beetle crawling? The Hyper Bonuses bring Unown to the event in T-form and a regional Pokémon worldwide. There is also content that affects Candy, XL Candy and more.

  • Extra Candy when you catch Pokemon with a Good, Great, or Fabulous throw
  • Trainers level 31 and above have a greater chance of XL Candy on Good, Great, and Fabulous throws
  • In raids you will meet Unown in the T-shape. With luck even as Shiny
  • The regional Pokémon Vegimak appears in the wild and in raids worldwide. With luck you catch it as Shiny
  • A limited-time research will be running during the event, which will have you catching bug-type Pokémon. In return you will receive items, Mega Energy for Scizor and encounters with Pokémon
  • All contents of the beetle crawling can be found here

What is changing on Community Day? August is Community Day with Galar Zigzachs. Hyper bonuses give more XP, candies, and trade upgrades.

  • Double XP for catching Pokémon
  • Double Candy for sending Pokemon
  • You can do two more special exchanges per day. In combination with the Season of GO bonus, you can then perform 4 special trades on the event day
  • Trades you make during the event cost 75% less Stardust. This bonus replaces the old Stardust savings bonus and is not counted

How do you like the changes in the events? Were the events good before and are they even better now, or did the changes make them worthwhile? Let us know what you think about it here on MeinMMO in the comments.

We have a trick for you that you can use immediately. Many players complain that opening gifts in Pokémon GO takes too long – there is a trick to make it faster.
