Will Mario Kart 9 be Nintendo’s big launch game for the Switch 2?

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Is Nintendo already working on the next console for after the Switch? And what about one all new Mario Kart out, so Mario Kart 9? After all, the Switch is already around five and a half years old and was not necessarily at the forefront of technology when it was released in March 2017. Since there will probably be no more Switch Pro, the big one should be right away Release of a whole new Nintendo console getting closer and closer.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is even older, the game appeared originally released in 2014 for the flopped predecessor Wii U and then found its way onto the switch in April 2017 as an extended port. The game has been celebrating an unprecedented success there since then and has not only been able to most successful switch game to molt, but also to one of the most successful games in video game history. Before Mario Kart 8 (Deluxe) are currently only six more games, namely Minecraft, GTA 5, Tetris, Wii Sports, PUBG and Super Mario Bros.

But at some point everyone who is interested will have bought the current Mario Kart, and that day is likely to be quite close. Make a smart move Nintendo with the 48 additional slopes of the Booster course pass to delay this day as long as possible. Maybe that’s why it’s been on one internally for a long time really new Mario Kart 9 worked becomes?

Is Nintendo already focusing on Mario Kart 9?

That Mario Kart 9 the big launch title of the Switch 2 (or whatever the name of the next Nintendo console is) is obvious. Even brands like The Legend of Zelda or Mario (without kart) Despite immense success, they do not sell as many copies and consoles as Mario Kart. The racing game series is known outside of the gaming world as a sore thumb and The epitome of fun social evenings with friends, family or colleagues.

The theory is fueled by a negative aspect of the booster route pass: the Slopes of the DLC expansion are fun, but Nintendo apparently only puts the absolute minimum effort into their development, actually porting for the switch. Could this possibly (also) be due to the fact that the Internal focus already on Mario Kart 9 lies, which may have been for quite a while Nintendo’s next console is in development?
