Sneered at by the editors because I already love Spongebob: The Cosmic Shake

There is first gameplay of The Cosmic Shake and Dennis is blown away.

There is first gameplay of The Cosmic Shake and Dennis is blown away.

There is first gameplay of The Cosmic Shake and Dennis is blown away.

THQ Nordic finally pulled the world’s best sponge out of the pineapple and showed the first gameplay of The Cosmic Shake on their own showcase – and what can I say, I love it! Developers Purple Lamp Studios are picking up exactly where they left off with the remake of Battle for Bikini Bottom in the new 3D platformer, and as a huge Spongebob fan, that’s what I wished for.

So that I have you on board, dear kids, here is the first gameplay trailer of The Cosmic Shake:

SpongeBob SquarePants - New trailer for The Cosmic Shake shows wild gameplay action


SpongeBob SquarePants – New trailer for The Cosmic Shake shows wild gameplay action

SpongeBob SquarePants is pure love!

Surely you also have one or the other passion for which you regularly get lopsided looks. In my case, these are the adventures of the sloppy sponge. While the others from the GamePro editorial team always roll their eyes slightly, I sit in front of the screen like a small child and softly hum the title melody to myself.

Be it the series, the films or the cult games with Spongebob, Patrick, Sandy and Co. – the slapstick garnished with a childish lightness hits my humor exactly and lets me switch off completely.

A Jump&Run like in the best of times

The original Battle for Bikini Bottom was one of my absolute highlights on the PS2 and for me Rehydrated is the perfect example of how a remake works: visually enhanced, small comfort improvements added and fan feedback integrated. I know I’m pretty much alone in the press with my 85 rating for the game, but that’s what a retro hopper has to look like to me.

Already Rehydrated completely inspired me.

Already Rehydrated completely inspired me.

And The Cosmic Shake is a perfect continuation of that formula from what I’ve seen of the game so far. The new locations look lovingly implemented, Spongebob now jets through Bikini Bottom with a seahorse and glides over the underwater landscape with a pizza box. The fights are reminiscent of Jump & Run classics like Spyro the Dragon or Super Mario Odyssey, are demanding but not too tricky. And when Patrick and SpongeBob talk about the mutated Gary in completely mocked dialogues, then my fan heart laughs.

The Cosmic Shake still hasn’t been released, but it’s slated for release in 2022 for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC. And if so, then hopefully I can only tell you good things in another sponge-tastic test.

How do you like the first gameplay of The Cosmic Shake and did you have fun with Rehydrated?