Knossi reveals how much he does with YouTube each month

Knossi-7 vs. Wild Prepared

Knossi streams on YouTube or Twitter, but also earns money as an entertainer and with music. The only question that remains is how much. In a podcast, the streamer has now revealed how much can get around in a month on YouTube alone. He could 7 vs Wild owe.

Knossi earns different amounts, currently the most on YouTube

That’s what it’s all about: How much money does Knossi make? Knossi is one of the best-known and most successful streamers in Germany. Accordingly, many fans should find it exciting how much money the entertainer earns with his shops and activities.

Now he has given an insight: In the OMR podcast, Jens “Knossi” Knossala was asked directly what he actually earns and where the streamer’s main source of income lies. To that end, Knossi was currently typing on YouTube and looked it up directly.

57,000 euros per month? According to Knossi, his income would be spread across his various fields of activity and also fluctuate greatly. That’s what the current, estimated monthly turnover of 57,000 euros from YouTube alone is about not a representative number.

Knossi-7 vs. Wild Prepared
Knossi is currently being trained for 7 vs. Wild. © YouTube: Knossi/Survival Mattin

The current month is one above average month, as Knossi explains. The fact that YouTube is currently generating so much revenue should also be a factor Knossi’s participation in the successful format 7 vs. Wild lie. There the streamer is involved as a participant in the second season of the survival project.

Twitch would probably do more: In the OMR podcast, Knossi then thinks aloud about the fact that he could probably generate more sales via Twitch than was the case with YouTube this month. would he Stream six to eight hours a daywould probably come together more.

However, appearances by Jens “Knossi” Knossala as a musician and entertainer, for example on Mallorca or at festivals, also make a lot of money. In months when such appearances are pending, the largest source of sales should be hidden there, says Knossi.

He even has one now bought his own football club.

What would you have guessed how much turnover Knossi makes on YouTube each month?