Gotham Knights: DC fans get new trailer from the Batman universe

Gotham Knights (Action-Adventure) von Warner Bros.

In the new trailer for Gotham Knights, Warner gives a preview of the enemies that await players in Gotham Knights.

Years after Bruce Wayne’s death, crime and violence in Gotham reach new heights. Of course, the Dark Knight saw this coming and sent video messages to his former sidekicks prior to his passing. Batgirl (Barbara Gordon), Nightwing (Dick Grayson), Red Hood (Jason Todd) and Robin (Tim Drake) assume his inheritance in Gotham Knights and protect the city from those who seek to bring it to its knees.

Gotham Knights and its villains

A storm is brewing, and Renee Montoya knows she can’t trust the GCPD to fight it. She must ally with our knights before it’s too late. Will they stand a chance against the wrath of Mr. Freeze, Harley Quinn, Clayface and the Court of Owls who are all trying to take over Gotham City? Or will villains rule over Gotham? “A storm is brewing and Renee Montoya knows she cannot trust the GCPD to fight it,” Warner wrote in the description of his new trailer. “She must ally with our knights before it’s too late. Will they stand a chance against the wrath of Mr. Freeze, Harley Quinn, Clayface and the Court of Owls who are all trying to take over Gotham City? Or will they Villains rule over Gotham?”

It features Gotham City Police Department detective Renee Montoya. In the comics, she is assigned to the Major Crimes Unit and therefore often comes into contact with Batman and his comrades-in-arms. It’s not yet known at what stage of her turbulent career we’ll meet Montoya, but the Official Villains trailer gives a promising glimpse.