WoW: Goose bumps moment at the Wrath Gate

Epic WotLK Moment: We've been following the story of Arthas since Warcraft 3.

Some time ago we asked you on buffed which WoW expansion you liked best, and your answer was – with a clear majority: Wrath of the Lich King (44.8 percent of all votes). Behind them were The Burning Crusade (32.5 percent) and WoW Classic (9.3 percent) in second and third place. But why did we and you remember the trip to the cold north end so positively? Well, Karsten already mentioned some possible reasons in his personal review of WotLK. But the answer can also be summed up in one word: Arthas!

Updated August 25, 2022: This article was first published on October 25th, 2015. In preparation for WotLK Classic, which will be released on September 27th, 2022, we have now updated and upped the article in terms of layout. Do you remember the battle at the Wrathgate?

WoW: The Wrath Gate – In-game cinematic from Wrath of the Lich King

We’ve followed the blond prince’s story since 2002, when he took on the Scourge and the marauding orcs in Warcraft 3. We saw his soul corrupted by Frostmourne, executed his own father, and later made himself the Lich King. Our anticipation was correspondingly high when it became known that we should take on Arthas in WotLK. We had made him the leader of the Scourge with our actions, and now it was our turn to pluck him from his icy throne.

Epic WotLK Moment: We've been following the story of Arthas since Warcraft 3.

Epic WotLK Moment: We’ve been following the story of Arthas since Warcraft 3.

Source: buffed

The Battle of Angrathar

As early as the level phase in Northrend, the Lich King appears from time to time to deliver a few crisp one-liners with his booming voice. The first real highlight is in the Dragonblight in front of Angrathar, the Gate of Wrath, which is supposed to keep unwanted guests away from Icecrown Glacier. At this gate, the troops of the Alliance, led by Highlord Bolvar Fordragon, want to challenge the Lich King to the final decisive battle. In a chic staged in-game sequence, we experience how the brave soldiers meet the scourge. We watch as Saurfang Junior stabs the undead in the rear with his orcs and the combined forces drive the enemy back.

WoW Gate of Wrath Bolvar Fordragon Dranosh Saurfang.

Epic WotLK Moment: At the Wrathgate, Horde and Alliance forces unite to slay the Lich King.

Source: buffed

And finally, we must stand by and watch as the Lich King strikes down the leader of the Horde with one blow, stealing Saurfang’s soul. We witness the Apothecary Association, led by Grand Apothecary Putress, join the fight and the toxic fumes themselves drive the Lich King back to his Icecrown Citadel. A few humans and orcs, including Bolvar, only survive thanks to the valiant intervention of Alexstrasza and her red dragonflight.