Dwarf Fortress is coming to Steam earlier than expected

Dwarf Fortress is coming to Steam earlier than expected

from Michael Miskulin
Dwarf Fortress, the complex colony sim, may be coming to Steam sooner than expected. The publisher indicated this via Twitter – but did not mention a specific release date.

The dwarf colony sim Dwarf Fortress is set to appear on Steam sooner than previously expected. Publisher Kitfox Games was asked via Twitter when the game will be released on Steam. The publisher simply replied, “Sooner than you might think.”

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When is Dwarf Fortress coming to Steam?

Neither publisher Kitfox Games nor developer Bay 12 Games have revealed any further details on when the fantasy world simulator Dwarf Fortress will make its way to Steam. In any case, it should be noted that a recent Update on the official website the developer mentioned an upcoming announcement.

Dwarf Fortress is one of the first games to be called a colony simulation alongside Rimworld. The original version of the game is even available for free – but then has no graphical interface, only ASCII graphics and UI. The future Steam version of Dwarf Fortress will receive a complete overhaul of the game interface and graphics in a pixelated retro look.

Dwarf Fortress is currently still in its ASCII look on the official website It’s available for free and is even compatible with numerous mods, including a mod that provides the game with a full graphical tileset, which also makes the graphics a lot easier to understand.

Source: Bay12Games
