Google and the US partner to develop new open source chips

Google, GDC 2019, videogames, console, streaming

USA It seems that it is opening up regarding semiconductors and to confirm this it has reached an agreement that it has just reached with the fourth representative of the world of chips, Google. The idea is to create a model of open source chips to lower costs, and uses the excuse of providing universities and public entities with these chips. This is so as not to have to depend on China apart from creating a Research and Development system to compete with them in the future.

As noted NIST These pieces will be used to create new nanotechnology devices and semiconductors, in addition to which Google will pay the initial cost of establishing production and even subsidize it.

Through the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the United States Department of Commerce, the entity will design the circuits for the chips with the help of several universities. These centers include: University of Michigan, University of Maryland, George Washington University, Brown University, and Carnegie Mellon University.

The mission is to design up to 40 different chips for different uses. These circuit prototypes will be open source, so researchers can use the chips without restrictions or license fees.

Google Public Sector CEO Will Grannis points out that the company has a long history of leadership in open source. Moving to an open source framework encourages reproducibility, which helps researchers at public and private institutions replicate each other’s work. It also democratizes innovation in nanotechnology and semiconductor research.”

An immediate consequence of this collaboration is that the price of chips will be reduced, as well as its mission to unlock the innovative potential of researchers and start-ups in the United States.

On the other hand, the union will create a more advanced lower layer chip with specialized structures to measure and test the performance of the rest of the components.