CoD Modern Warfare 2: This beta feedback should be implemented before launch

Exemplary: In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, masks are still mandatory.

Exemplary: In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, masks are still mandatory.

Exemplary: In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, masks are still mandatory.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is out in a month. Until then, developer studio Infinity Ward wants to change a few things based on the feedback received on the multiplayer big beta. Apparently it was an absolute success and the biggest beta in Call of Duty history.

CoD Modern Warfare 2: The giant beta is over and helps with improvements

The beta was gigantic: Noisy Infinity Ward The big multiplayer beta for Modern Warfare 2 from last weekend is said to have been the biggest so far. More players, more matches, more hours than ever were recorded in the “biggest beta in Call of Duty history”.

Some footstep improvements were announced during the beta and implemented before the end of the last phase. But there’s more to come until the shooter appears at the end of October, like the Infinity Ward developer studio in detail in its own Blog entry explained.

This is about to change:

  • Footsteps: The feedback has become more positive through the adjustments, but by the launch, the steps of friends and enemies should be even better balanced.
  • Enemy Visibility: It’s also uphill here, but still needs improvement. Opponents should be better recognized and tracked.
  • Dissolve lobbies: Possible solutions to the problem will be sought before the launch.
  • Weapon Tuning: Here, too, Infinity Ward is already “very happy”, but wants to strive for even more improvements.

With regard to the perks and the display of the red dots on the minimap when opponents shoot, nothing should change anymore. This was already explained in the first interim contribution to the beta feedback and it will probably stay that way.

However, it can even after release change everything. In fact, we firmly believe that weapon tuning, balancing, and some other aspects will continue to be refined. Quite simply because it has always been like this and the weapon meta (i.e. the supposedly best shooting clubs) can always be kept fresh.

Watch the trailer again here:

CoD Modern Warfare 2 - Trailer reveals multiplayer and Warzone 2


CoD Modern Warfare 2 – Trailer reveals multiplayer and Warzone 2

More about CoD Modern Warfare 2 Is there … here:

When is the release? It won’t be long: In just a month, on October 28th, 2022 to be precise, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 will be released for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC. At least if nothing else comes between them.

What would you change before launch if you could? What bothered you in the beta?