Twitch partners can now also stream on YouTube

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Twitter refrains from exclusivity. The newly introduced rules allow Twitch partners to stream on other platforms in the future. For example on YouTube. That wasn’t the case for a long time, but it should be a welcome innovation.

Twitch partners can now also stream on YouTube & Co

That’s what it’s about: So far, a deal as an official Twitch partner meant that the streamers were not allowed to stream on other platforms such as YouTube, Mixer, Facebook and Co.

That’s why it was always such a big deal when big, famous streamers leave twitch have – or vice versa.

Now content producers no longer have to choose which platform they want to stream on. Almost anything is now possible, at least from the Twitch side.

Twitch changes the rules: In the new Partner Exclusivity FAQ on the Twitch support page, the company now explicitly states that it no more exclusivity are. Partners can now explicitly stream live on other platforms as well.

But not at the same time: The only exception listed here is what is known as simulcasting. Simultaneous live streaming to two or more different platforms remains prohibited.

Is there a waiting time? However, there is no obligation on the part of Twitch that streamers would have to wait a certain amount of time before they can stream on another platform, for example. They are allowed to end their Twitch stream and continue streaming immediately afterwards, for example on YouTube.

This is how it looks with advertising: The other platforms and channels can also be advertised in twitch panels and in the stream. At the same time, Twitch also has no problem with thatwhen promoting the Twitch channel on other platforms. On the contrary: it is expressly endorsed.

There’s a lot going on at Twitch right now. Recently, only the Payout conditions changed, which has left many streamers frustrated. In addition, finally became a whole lot Gambling content prohibitedafter much criticism of casino streams and the like.

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What do you think of the innovation? Do you think that many streamers will stream on other platforms now? Tell us in the comments.