What does 14643 mean on TikTok? – Dexerto

What does 14643 mean on TikTok?  - Dexerto

Published: 2022-10-07T13:48:57

Updated: 2022-10-07T13:50:19

You may have seen some users on TikTok refer to the term 14643, but what does this seemingly random string of numbers mean? Here is everything you need to know.

TikTok is full of different slang terms and acronyms that have accumulated over time, including phrases that originated on the short-form video platform and phrases that have been around the internet for a long time.

However, this can sometimes be confusing if you come across a term you haven’t heard before in the app and I don’t know what it means

14643 is a term that is widely used on TikTok, as well as other social media platforms like Twitter, and you may have come across videos of people referring to it. But what does this seemingly random number really mean?

What does 14643 mean on TikTok?

14643 is another way of saying ‘I will always love you’. Although the two things may not seem related at first glance, it makes more sense once you know that each number corresponds to how many letters are in each word.

For example, ‘I’ is one letter, ‘will’ is four letters, ‘always’ is six letters, and so on.

You’ll often see this number within sentences that people use as video subtitles, like “I know you don’t care, but 14643.”

This is similar to another number you might see on TikTok that has more or less the same meaning. 1437 means ‘I love you forever’ and you will probably see it in a similar context to 14643.

If there are other terms on TikTok that you don’t understand the meaning of, you can check out our guide here to learn more about the platform’s most popular slang terms and acronyms.
