WoW: Can we save Nozdormu in Dragonflight?

Murozond is the leader of the Infinite Dragonflight.  Does he serve a master or does the dragon in Dragonflight have plans of his own?

Nozdormu, the aspect of the bronze dragonflight, is the guardian of time. The supreme titan Aman’Thul once assigned Nozdormu the task of watching over the currents of time and protecting the work of the titans from the Old Gods and other enemies. Trusting in Nozdormu’s wisdom, Aman’Thul showed the dragon his own dying day and all the horrific events to be seen in the future of Azeroth. With his rise to Aspect, Nozdormu sealed his own fate. He was destined to one day transform into Murozond, the aspect of the Infinite Dragonflight.

Murozond is the leader of the Infinite Dragonflight.  Does he serve a master or does the dragon in Dragonflight have plans of his own?

Murozond is the leader of the Infinite Dragonflight. Does he serve a master or does the dragon in Dragonflight have plans of his own?

Source: Blizzard

The Dragon Aspect was not allowed to share his knowledge with anyone, which gave him a lonely life. He even disappeared completely just prior to the events of Cataclysm. The Bronze Dragon Aspect got lost in the timeline chasing after the Infinite Dragonflight. Upon his return, Nozdormu broke his promise and shared his secret knowledge with our heroes. In the dungeon Endtimes, Nozdormu led us to the Lair of Murozond to put an end to the Eternal Dragonflight.

Murozond was defeated… but the leader of the Infinite Dragonflight was not dead. For nozdormu, no matter how many times he tried to escape his fate in the past, always ended up turning into Murozond. InWoW (buy now ): Dragonflight puts Murozond and the Infinite Dragonflight back at the heart of the story. In an interview with JudgeHype, Ion Hazzikostas explained that the revamped dungeon Uldaman will play the main role in the Dragonflight pre-event.