WotLK Classic: Sons of Hodir Reputation Guide – How to become Exalted in no time

WotLK Classic: Sons of Hodir Reputation Guide - How to become Exalted in no time

The Sons of Hodir are an important reputation faction in WotLK Classic and in order to unlock them you have to complete a relatively long quest line. You’ll then gain access to a handful of daily quests that you can use to farm more reputation points. With exalted reputation, you finally have access to the best shoulder item enchantments, as well as two mammoth mounts. The enchantments are not only mandatory for every raider, you can even send them to your other characters account-wide. MeinMMO tells you how you can quickly gain an awesome reputation with little effort.

How to unlock Sons of Hodir? If you want to unlock the Sons of Hodir faction, you must visit the Storm Peaks. At the entrance to the zone you will find the small goblin camp “K3”. There you will find “Gretchen Zischelfunken”, who asks you to free captured goblins. The quest is called “They’ve Got Our Men!” and starts the chain that ultimately unlocks the Sons of Hodir faction.

Your quests will take you all over the Storm Peaks, and chances are you’ve already completed some of these quests if you’ve explored the Storm Peaks on your way to level 80. Once you get to the Dun Niffelem area, you’ve come to the right place. Help out the Frost Giants and you’ve already unlocked the daily quests. Some fans may find leveling in WotLK Classic too hard, but once a character reaches level 80, things become much easier.

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Featuring daily quests to earn exalted reputation with the Sons of Hodir

Once you have completed the quest line and unlocked the faction, you can start with the daily quests. You can initially complete 5 reputation with the Sons of Hodir quests per day. Four of these quests give you 350 reputation and one task even rewards you with a whopping 500 reputation points. If you have reached the reputation level “Respectful”, another quest is added, which also gives you 350 reputation. In total, you can earn 1,900 reputation with these quests every day and as soon as you are “respectful”, even a whole 2,250 reputation.

We have listed the quests below and tell you how to successfully complete the tasks. The quests are all quite close together, so you don’t have to walk long distances and should plan about half an hour to complete everything. Because many things, such as farming reputation, are no longer as time-consuming in Wrath of the Lich King as they were in Burning Crusade, WotLK Classic is also fun if you don’t have that much time.

The Sons of Hodir daily quests all take place in the red marked area of ​​the Storm Peaks. You can also collect “Everfrost Shards” there. The areas marked in yellow indicate the places where you have to complete the respective quests.

Dragon slaying made easy

The Easy Dragon Slaying quest is by far the most complicated quest to complete here. But once you get the hang of it, it’s actually not that difficult.

Head west from Dun Niffelem. There you will find blue proto-drakes – your task now is to defeat them. Target a dragon and use the Spear of Hodir quest item. The dragon will then grab you and fly into the air. From then on, it’s a vehicle fight that breaks down into 2 phases.

In the first phase you have to reduce the health points of the proto-drake to 25 percent. You also get 4 new abilities: Dodge the dragon’s claws with the “Claw Dodge” ability as soon as the message appears that it is attacking you, and use “Grab” to make sure you don’t lose your footing. It’s important to always have enough stacks of the “Grab” buff active. If this drops to zero, the quest has failed. A good guideline is around 65 stacks of the “Grab” buff, so remember to use the “Grab” ability as often as possible.

The Vengeful Spear Strike ability deals a lot of damage and you should use it as soon as it becomes available as it has a 10 second cooldown. The ability “Javelin Strike” only deals moderate damage and can be used by you whenever you don’t need to use any of the other skills.

As soon as you have reduced the dragon’s life points to 25 percent, the second phase of the fight begins. The dragon tries to devour you and you have to free yourself from its mouth. It’s a life and death struggle as you’re now taking constant damage. With the Jaws of Death ability, the proto-drake deals 3 percent of your health as damage every second during this phase.

Uses the Jaw Open ability to stack a buff. This buff increases the chance that your Fatal Strike attack will succeed. Since your attack has no chance of succeeding without the buff, you should gather around 15-20 stacks before using Fatal Strike. Once defeated, the proto-drake falls to the ground and the quest is successfully completed. You will receive a whopping 500 reputation points for your efforts.

hunting spies

This quest requires you to search west of Dun Niffelem for the corpse of a large worg. Use the quest item “Fang of an Astral Worg” in its immediate vicinity and a ghost wolf will appear. This picks up the scent of “Stormforged Spies” to defeat. Repeat the whole 3 times and the quest will be completed successfully and you will be rewarded with 350 reputation points.

A sleazy cleanse

Right next door to “Spy Hunt” you can complete the quest “A Sleazy Purge”. This quest is surely the easiest daily quest you can do for the Sons of Hodir. To do this, go to the cave that is very close to the corpse of the great worg. There you will encounter slimy monsters called Crude Oil. You must defeat 5 of these creatures and loot 5 Viscous Oil units from them. The quest is quickly completed and rewards you with 350 reputation points.

Hot and cold

For this quest you need to visit the area east of Dun Niffelem. There you will find some elemental enemies called Fragile Wailing Spirit on a frozen lake. Defeat them until you collect 6 Essence of Ice. Then go south-east to where you will find a large anvil and some fire elementals. Use the “Essence of Ice” there to cool glowing metal parts. Then you can collect them and the quest is done. Here, too, you collect 350 reputation points.

Hodir’s reputation

Go to the Thunderfall area. In this imposing place you will meet numerous ghosts of a long-gone battle. Your task is to defeat 5 “Ancestors of Niffelem” and 5 “Restless Heirs of Frost”. Then use the Hodir’s Horn quest item and watch the spirits find their peace. For completing the quest you will receive 350 reputation.

Feed Angrim

This quest only becomes available once you reach Revered reputation. But don’t worry, this quest is also quickly completed. Head back to the area west of Dun Niffelem where you’ve already completed the daily quests “Hunting Spies” and “A Sleazy Cleanse.” There you will meet giant worms, the “Jormungar”. Target them and use the Angrim’s Tooth quest item. Then all you have to do is defeat the monsters. After a total of 5 monsters, this quest will also be completed and you will receive an additional 350 reputation points as a reward.

More about WotLK Classic on MeinMMO:

You have already completed the daily quests but want even more reputation?

No problem! There are a few more ways you can get even more reputation. You can loot “Relics of Ulduar” from most enemies in the Storm Peaks, Halls of Stone, and Halls of Lightning. These can be exchanged at 10 units each in Dun Niffelem for 500 reputation. If you have some gold on the high edge, you can also buy the “Relics of Ulduar” in the auction house.

Another item you can exchange for reputation with the Sons of Hodir is the Everfrost Shard. These items look like little icicles and aren’t all that easy to find. It’s worth keeping an eye out for them around Dun Niffelem, though, as you’ll get 350 reputation when you trade them in. In addition to the above activities, you can earn an additional 400 reputation points by completing the daily quest for a normal dungeon. You can accept this quest in Dalaran near the Violet Hold. Simply select the Sons of Hodir reputation token as a reward.

You finally made it to level 80? Wondering how to best prepare for Naxxramas? Then take a look at this post: WoW WotLK Classic: Level 80 – what now? Guide with tips for fresh 80s
