After Crimson and Crimson: There are now more than 1,000 Pokémon species

After Crimson and Crimson: There are now more than 1,000 Pokémon species

After 26 years and nine generations, there are now officially more than 1,000 Pokémon species.

With the release of Pokémon Crimson and Crimson, another 140 were added.

The next milestone

There are now a total of 1,010 unique species of Pokémon. Although there were basically more than 1,000 different Pokémon before that, depending on how and what you count.

In addition, two Pokémon are currently missing from the Crimson and Crimson Pokédex, these will probably only come in a future update.

More Pokemon Crimson and Crimson news:

But back to the count. With normal sequential numbering, of course, the individual forms of Unown or Rotom are not taken into account. The same applies to the various regional forms that do not have their own number in the Pokédex.

There are also temporary forms of development, including mega developments or tera-type Pokémon. If you included all of that, we would have ended up with over 1,000 pieces long ago.

This has only officially happened with crimson and purple. In the future it will probably continue like this.