The Callisto Protocol: Some death animations are only available with the Season Pass

The Callisto Protocol (Action-Adventure) von Krafton / Skybound Games

It was recently announced that some of the death animations featured in the new sci-fi horror The Callisto Protocol will only be seen in the Season Pass.

As we say about the official Steam page of the game, The Callisto Protocol Season Pass consists of a total of four different components: The Outer Way Skin Collection, a Riot Bundle that comes with a new wave-based game mode in an “undiscovered area”, a permadeath mode in the course of the Contagion Bundles and an exclusive story DLC.

The Callisto Protocol: 25 new death animations only available in bundles

We are promised 25 new death animations for The Callisto Protocol – provided you decide to buy one of the two bundles mentioned above. It should be 13 beaten pieces for the protagonist Jacob, while our opponents should be treated to a total of twelve fresh songs.

The cruel death sequences have always been the focus of the game: there are supposed to be countless ways to bless the dead in The Callisto Protocol, and the developers previously described them as a kind of “trademark”. Creator Glen Schofield has also spoken of the “most frightening game ever” in the past and for the Japanese market the horror adventure was even too hard to release in its full glory, which is why the developers are opposed to the release in the land of the rising sun decided.

The astonishment of the fans should have been all the greater when Striking Distance Studios revealed that more than two dozen of these animations would only be available to Season Pass buyers. This is available at a hefty surcharge as part of the Digital Deluxe Edition.

Developers make it clear: additional content was not snatched from the original version

The developers didn’t hesitate to react to the aroused surprise and made it clear that the additional content was in no way cut out of the main game in order to monetize it.

Schofield took to Twitter to reiterate that Striking Distance Studio did not remove any content from The Callisto Protocol and then sell it at a higher price. He clearly states that nothing from the main game is being held back for the Season Pass.

He also revealed they haven’t even started work on the additional content for The Callisto Protocol internally. “It’s all new material that we’ll be working on in the new year. The fans have been asking for EVEN MORE deaths so we’re going to make that a priority next year,” he continues to shine through.

Latest updated video: Red Band Cinematic Trailer