Carrera RC: Sonic will soon be the fastest hedgehog in a remote-controlled car

Carrera RC: Sonic will soon be the fastest hedgehog in a remote-controlled car

Sonic is already racing wildly through the area without a car. But we will soon be able to see our favorite blue hedgehog zipping around in a Carrera RC car. Does that make him faster or slow him down?

Shadow and Sonic get into the Carrera runabout

Anyway, Carrera RC is launching a remote-controlled car with a hedgehog design. To do this, the company got an original license and put Sonic in one of their cars so that you can drive around with him at home.

The car manages up to 9 kilometers per hour. That answers the question asked at the beginning. At least the hedgehog can rest his feet while you’re having fun.

Sonic’s chic sled is equipped with LED headlights and can jet across the floor for up to 20 minutes thanks to the 2.4 GHz connection. Then you have to recharge the battery of the car.

Rennigel’s Carrera car is available in a blue version with Sonic and as a black and red speedster in the “Shadow” edition. Both models currently cost 52.99 euros.