Streamers collect 1 million euros in 12 hours – This is what happens with the money

Twitch screenshot from PietSmiet's live stream at Friendly Fire 8

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Of: Josh Grossman

At Friendly Fire 8, PietSmiet, Gronkh and Co. once again collected donations for good causes. Over a million euros in 12 hours.

Osnabrück – On December 3rd, Gronkh, PietSmiet and other well-known German streamers met for Firendly Fire 8. Since 2015, they have been hosting the 12-hour fundraising event on Twitch, raising huge sums of money for good causes. In 2022 they raised over a million euros in less than 12 hours and the creators behind the show are blown away. PietSmiet says thank you on Twitter for the milestone at Friendly Fire 8.

Twitch event Friendly fire 8
organizer Gronkh, Team PietSmiet, Der Heider, FisHC0p, MrMoregame, Pandorya, PhunkRoyale
date December 3, 2022
live stream PietSmiet

Friendly Fire 8: PietSmiet and Co. collect donations for 12 hours – 1 million euros

What happened? The annual Friendly Fire took place on December 3rd. In the eighth edition of the donation stream, Gronkh, PietSmiet, Pandorya, Der Heider, Funk Royal, FishC0p and MrMoregame again spent 12 hours in front of the camera and entertained the fans with a wide variety of topics, games and funny situations.

Twitch screenshot from PietSmiet's live stream at Friendly Fire 8
Friendly Fire 8: Gronkh, PietSmiet and Co. applaud the viewers © Twitch: PietSmiet

In this short time, the Twitch streamers and YouTube stars have collected over one million euros and are completely overwhelmed in the stream. They thank all donors who can still donate so much money even in 2022. We have included the moment when PietSmiet and Co. crack a million for you here.

At Friendly Fire 7, the streamers auctioned off a statue from Elden Ring and raised over 2 million euros. But this year PietSmiet and Co. didn’t want to put themselves under pressure to surpass this historic sum. The fans are of the same opinion and congratulate the team behind the event – they are already looking forward to Friendly Fire 9 in December 2023.

Friendly Fire 8: Streamers collect one million euros – what happens to the money?

What happens to the money? With Friendly Fire, the donations that come in through merchandise purchases and direct donations do not go into the pockets of the streamers. The large team has chosen a range of charitable organizations to which they will pass on the donations.

With the organizations, PietSmiet Gronkh and Co. help an extremely large number of people in a wide variety of situations and can thus create a comprehensive change. With the Friendly Fire emergency fund, the organizers of Friendly Fire recently supported Die Tafeln Deutschland with 100,000 euros. If you still want to watch the full Friendly Fire 8 stream, you have to check out PietSmiet’s channel. Tune in next year as YouTubers and Twitch stars start raising funds en masse again.