LoL plans changes to Jungle – Forgotten champions could end up in focus again

LoL only changes a single word on 2 champions - Will make them much stronger with it

The next regular patch in League of Legends is coming to the live servers on February 8th. With this patch, the developers want the jungle Finally back into focus and ease their pressure on the lanes.

What’s changing in patch 13.3? The changes in patch 13.3 are distributed across all lanes, but the jungle is given particular relevance.

  • On the top plane, K’Sante is the newest champion in LoL. He has the highest participation in games on the top lane at 66.7% (via Oracle’s Elixir). This will be weakened on almost all abilities in the coming patch.
  • In the middle, Le Blanc gets a buff that is supposed to strengthen them, especially at the beginning of the game.
  • In the jungle, the pros’ favorite gets a buff. Lee Sin’s attack damage scaling is boosted on his Q and E abilities.
  • On the botlane, tank supports like Thresh, Leona, and Nautilus get a buff, making them more playable again. This should end the time of the ADC supporters.

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What does this mean for the jungle? The goal of the adjustments is to make the jungle more attractive to the champions, enticing them to spend more time in the forest. The neutral monsters are supposed to come with patch 13.3. give more experience than before. In addition, the cookies from the companion should bring less gold.

At the same time, Riot Games tries to make the lanes less attractive for the jungle by increasing the damage of the towers up to 14 minutes. The higher damage leads to a greater risk, so that the turret can no longer be completely ignored.

You can find all the changes here:

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What does this mean for forgotten junglers? In the current meta, there is an opportunity for junglers to not defeat certain neutral monsters so they can get in lane faster to get a kill there. It used to be different. Since the neutral monsters were fought to the last.

With the changes, it could now end up with champions that aren’t as strong at the beginning of the game going back into the jungle and killing all neutral monsters.

These scaling champions, like Lilia, who got a decent buff last season, or Nidalee, can thus gain a new boost in popularity. In addition, there are some champions who could take advantage of this “power farming”.

Which champion will you choose in the next patch? Write it in the comments.

If you want to read more news about the pros, we have an exciting article for you here: LoL: Pro players repeatedly ignore a ban from the developers – Because 1st penalty was very light