Call of Duty: Vanguard: Cheating can threaten suspension in all CoD games

In order to put the cheaters down in the multiplayer games of the first-person shooter Call of Duty: Vanguard, the software Ricochet is used, among other things. With their help, the developers want to go on a cheater hunt for Call of Duty Warzone soon. Incidentally, the possible penalties should be significantly harsher in the future.

How the team in the official blog revealed, bans may be extended to other Call of Duty franchise games. For example, if a cheater is caught cheating in Call of Duty: Vanguard, in the worst case scenario, he is threatened with a ban on all episodes of the shooter series. This applies not only to games that have already been released, but also to those offshoots that will appear at some point in the future. Accordingly, it is equivalent to a so-called franchise block.

However, the team makes it clear that such a severe penalty is not the rule, but is only pronounced in particularly severe cases. Examples of this are repeat offenders or players who willfully hide their hardware information or their identity.

Call of Duty: Vanguard was released on November 5, 2021 for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series. You can find the test of the World War II shooter here.

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