ARK: 5 of the most extraordinary ways to tame a creature

ARK: Survival Evolved Chalicotherium

ARK: Survival Evolved features an array of intriguing creatures. Many of these are of prehistoric origin, others are fantasy creatures. MeinMMO shows you 5 of these fascinating creatures that you tame or breed in a curious way.

ARK has some very unusual creatures, and some of them have very odd ways of taming them. We want to show you 5 of the most extraordinary ways to tame a creature.

What is taming in ARK? In ARK it is possible to use creatures for farming, fighting or other activities. In order for this to work, they must be tamed by you.

There are 2 normal taming methods in the game: the knockout tame and the passive tame.

Everything you need to know about the survival game ARK: Survival Evolved

What is knockout tame? The knockout or KO method is an aggressive and active type of taming. You stun the creature with a bow, shotgun, or other comparatively useful tool.

When the creature is stunned, feed it its preferred food (e.g. raw filet/meat or vegetables and berries). The taming progress increases the more the creature has eaten. Make sure that there is enough food in the animal’s inventory and that the stunned state is maintained.

What is the passive tame? Passive taming is done without being stunned. You put the creature’s preferred food in the last item shortcut slot, approach the animal and press the interaction button displayed to feed it.

Repeat the process until the taming is successfully completed. Some creatures only eat very specific foods and exhibit specific behaviors while being tamed.

But in addition to the two methods, there are also some other curious ways to tame the creatures in ARK. Here are the 5 most extraordinary:

1. Chalicotherium – The drunk horse creature

What distinguishes the Chalicotherium? Chalicotheres are herbivores. If you want to tame one, you need a special drink instead of berries or vegetables that you have to brew beforehand: beer

Chalicotheres are passively tamed and cannot be fed the usual herbivore diet, but explicitly and exclusively want beer.

ARK: Survival Evolved Chalicotherium
The Chalicotherium in ARK: Survival Evolved loves a good, cold beer

2. Karkinos – Knockout by catapult

What is the Karkinos? A Karkinos is a very large crab. He can grab you with his claws and even pull you off mounts. The Karkinos came into the game with the Aberration DLC.

How do I tame a Karkinos? To tame the Karkinos, you have to shoot him with a catapult. A shot to the crab’s back fills the stun bar. When this is full, the Karkinos falls unconscious. Then you can feed and tame him.

If you hit the Karkinos anywhere other than its back, it will take damage and not gain the stun effect. The difficulty lies in not accidentally killing the animal.

ARK: Survival Evolved Karkinos
The Karkinos lives near bodies of water and rivers

3. Tusoteuthis – Hand feeding giant octopuses

What is the Tusoteuthis? The Tusoteuthis is a huge and extremely dangerous octopus or squid. He can grab you with his tentacles and drag you into the depths of the ocean.

How is the Tusoteuthis tamed? Despite its aggressive nature, the Tusoteuthis is passively tamed. You have to get close to him and feed him by hand. However, the Tusoteuthis only eats the rare and at the same time heavy black pearls.

You have to approach the mouth of the octopus and then feed the monster using the action button. However, the Tusoteuthis will only eat if you draw its attention. To do this, he must be aggressive towards you, which complicates the whole thing.

The Bait Method: In order for the feeding to be successful, players established the “bait method”. Here you take a Carbonemys (turtle) as bait.

If all goes according to plan, the Tusoteuthis will grab the turtle and attack it. If that’s the case, you can safely swim to the octopus’ mouth and feed it.

ARK: Survival Evolved Tusoteuthis
The Tusoteuthis is one of the most dangerous creatures in the depths of the sea

4. Bloodstalker – The vampire among creatures

What is the Bloodstalker? The Bloodstalker is an oversized spider-like creature introduced with Genesis. The Bloodstalker is passively tamed and requires your blood to gain taming progress.

If you are within range of the Bloodstalker, he will pull you towards him with his cobwebs. Then the Bloodstalker sucks your blood. Meanwhile, the creature’s taming progress increases.

How do I get enough blood for a tame? Since the Bloodstalker requires a large amount of blood for a full and successful tame, you must have Blood Sacs in your inventory.

You get this by drawing blood from yourself or your sleeping friends with a blood transfusion set. If you have enough blood bags in your inventory, let the Bloodstalker grab you. He will then suck the blood of the bags and can be tamed.

Increase Taming Effectiveness: If you only drain your blood, the tamed animal has a very low effectiveness. However, the effectiveness determines how many levels the creature gets added to the original level if it is successfully tamed.

For other creatures, effectiveness starts at 100% and falls over time and damage taken while taming. With the Bloodstalker, you must first increase the inherently low effectiveness by letting the Bloodstalker kill creatures you have tamed or bred.

Shoulder animals such as the Jerboa or Bulbdog are suitable for this, but also somewhat larger creatures such as the Parasaur, the Ovis or the Raptor. The important thing is that the creature you use is small enough for the Bloodstalker to grab and pull towards him.

ARK: Survival Evolved Bloodstalker
The Bloodstalkers found their way into the game with Genesis Part 1

5. Reaper King – The slightly different pregnancy

What distinguishes the Reaper King? The Reapers are extremely aggressive and dangerous creatures that came into the game with the Aberration DLC.

In order to obtain a Reaper King, you must complete some extraordinary steps which include impregnating the player with a Reaper Queen. The Reaper cannot be tamed or bred in the classic ways.

Step 1: Fertilization

The first thing you have to do is find a Reaper Queen and fight her. You have to weaken this with a light source in order to be able to bring it below 2,000 HP (health) through attacks.

When the Reaper Queen is below 2,000 HP, she will signal you with a reddish-pink pheromone cloud that she is ready to mate. She will now try to grab and impregnate you with her tail. In order for it to do this, you must turn off the light source.

Once she has completed her fertilization attack on you, you are as good as dead and carry a Reaper embryo within you. After the impregnation attack, the Reaper Queen literally buries herself in the ground and disappears.

ARK: Survival Evolved Reaper Queen
The Reaper Queen during the fertilization attack

Step 2: The Pregnancy

You are now pregnant with a Reaper embryo. This phase lasts about 12 hours with the default settings. During this phase, the Reaper absorbs experience points that you collect.

This accumulated experience determines effectiveness and means that your Reaper Baby can be up to 75 levels higher than the Reaper Queen that got you pregnant.

Step 3: The bloody birth and rearing

At the end of the pregnancy phase, the Reaper baby bursts out of your chest violently and bloody in an insect-like larval form. Again, you barely survive this process.

After birth and during the larval stage, the baby Reaper is extremely aggressive. It also wanders around at high speed and ignores your commands.

A Reaper Pheromone Gland is required to imprint and feed the Reaper Baby without being attacked or even killed by it. You must consume the Pheromone Gland, which you get by killing a Reaper Queen. Then the reaper larva behaves towards you peacefully.

Once the baby has reached a certain stage of growth, the larva burrows into the ground and remains submerged for a short time. Then she digs her way out of the ground and comes out. Now the Reaper has shed its infant larval form and assumed the form of larger adults.

ARK: Survival Evolved Reaper King
The full grown Reaper King in ARK

ARK: Survival Evolved has built up a formidable variety of creatures over the years, with increasingly creative methods of taming and breeding.

How many of these creatures have you tamed yourself? Which beast is missing from the list and must definitely be included in a second part of the “5 most unusual taming species”? Let us know in the comments!