Free games on PS5 and Xbox could soon show you annoying ads

Heute könnt ihr direkt bei Sony eine PS5 kaufen – Das müsst ihr wissen

Anyone who wants to play free games is often annoyed about “Pay2Win” or restrictions. Now there are said to be plans to put ads in free games on Xbox and PS5. MeinMMO explains what’s behind it.

Many free games rely on certain payment systems or restrictions in order to be able to finance themselves. So you can only create a certain number of characters or have a limited limit for in-game currency.

In the case of mobile phone apps, you will often also see advertising that the studios want to use to finance the development. Now Sony and Microsoft are also considering adding new advertising to their consoles. At least according to Businessinsider magazine (via businessinsider.compaywall article).

Is there a new form of advertising coming to the PS4 and PS5?

Are there already ads on Xbox and PS5? Even now there is already advertising, for example on the PS5. Developers can advertise their games on the PS Store and streaming services can also display advertising in their apps on the next-gen consoles.

But in the future there will be even more ways to place ads in free games.

What are your advertising ideas? For example, it is being considered that advertising could be placed on billboards in sports games. So similar to a real sports arena. Incidentally, this is not entirely new, because the publisher Electronic Arts already relies on in-game advertising on billboards, for example in the “Need for Speed” games (via

But there are also other ideas, such as rewarding for watching ads. Many users are probably already familiar with this procedure from apps on their mobile phone, where you get premium currency or other things for free for watching advertising.

On Xbox or PlayStation, you could then be rewarded with in-game currency or character skins as well.

When will the new ad come out? There are still no concrete plans as to when exactly the new advertising will come. Allegedly, Sony and Microsoft are still looking for suitable partners for advertising.

Sony and Microsoft have big plans for the coming years

Apart from the advertising ideas, Sony has big plans for the PS4 and PS5. Sony had bought several studios that wanted to bring MMOs to the PS5. Nevertheless, Sony had explained that they wanted to continue bringing single-player games such as the Horizon games.

Microsoft and Xbox also have big plans. After buying Bethesda a year ago, Microsoft announced in early 2022 that it wanted to buy Activision Blizzard. Some had already feared that some games would no longer come to the PS5.

In the following article we have summarized the games that, in our opinion, most deserve to be implemented as an MMO. You probably know a few games where we would like to see an online implementation:

Sony develops more MMOs with Bungie – 5 games that deserve an implementation as an MMO for PS5