7 types of games that each of us has in the Steam library

Team Fortress 2 Title

Steam is a platform that hardly any gamer can ignore and is home to thousands of games. Some of them are so obtrusive that we all have at least one lying around in our library.

If you ask 10 gamers what they think of video games, you’ll get 15 answers. Our tastes are wildly different and the games that are absolute masterpieces for some should be erased from the disc for others.

But there are certain types of games that you will find in every Steam library. Regardless of whether you prefer MMORPGs, shooters, simulators or all of them, all of us have downloaded these games before.

Free game downloaded out of boredom

Team Fortress 2 Title

Sometimes gamers get the urge to try something new. So something completely new. Not all the unplayed stuff that’s been sitting around in the library for years. His time will come. No, it has to be a brand new game and it can’t cost anything.

Actually you don’t need a new game. You still have a long backlog, for which you sometimes spent a lot of money. With a free game you don’t feel obliged to get the money back.

So you grab a free Steam game because you’re bored, play it for a few hours, and then never touch it again. But hey, at least you didn’t spend a cent on it.

Blockbuster game that everyone seems to be playing

There is no escaping this game. It is everywhere. It is reported on YouTube, on Twitch, social media, reddit, on all news sites. People just won’t stop talking about it. The big blockbuster games are often the number one topic of conversation in the gaming community long before they are released.

All the hype around it is so penetrating that at some point you just buy the stuff to get an idea of ​​it for yourself. After all, you have to be able to form your own opinion that is neither influenced by the hype nor by external reviews. This is the only right way.

And then when you’ve played it, you can tell the world what you think and say the game is great / mediocre / overrated / the greatest thing / not worth a penny / and so on.

Super secret indie insider tip

The secret indie game is the opposite of the blockbuster when it comes to budget. With the huge range of games on offer in 2022, we are always looking for “something special”. After a game that isn’t like all the rest of the run-of-the-mill stuff that you’ve seen too many times. And most of the time you will find what you are looking for in indie games.

Every few months there is a new game that makes the rounds as a “new insider tip”. It is praised by the press and influencers and is also popular with friends and acquaintances. It’s really awesome and funny, and creative, and a whole lot better than all those soulless AAA titles, but a lot more secret and unknown.

With so much praise, I want to see what’s so great and different about it. It doesn’t cost that much either, after all it’s an indie game, so you just buy it. Whether it actually gets played is another matter.

Gift game from a friend that you’ve never touched

The gift was meant kindly and all that. And your buddy or girlfriend has praised the game in the highest tones. And you actually meant that you’re going to try it out. But somehow you’re just so 0.0 Bock it.

It’s not like you don’t believe your friends. It’s definitely a cool game. You just don’t feel like it. And so it stares at you reproachfully every day when you open your Steam library to gamble. Kind of feels like homework that you haven’t done.

You will definitely play it at some point. Just not today. Or tomorrow. Or next week. You already have other plans.

31,575,842,960 unplayed games bought from Steam sales for pennies

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Steam sales are a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they are really good for stocking up on gaming fodder. On the other hand, they lure innocent gamers into buying games simply because they are cheap.

You never know when you’ll suddenly feel a craving for “Watching Grass Grow in VR – The Game”, “Hatoful Boyfriend” or “I am Bread”. Or…? You can take them with you for a short time when they are already on sale for €0.13 with other 500 games.

They will definitely be played through at some point. If you have a little more time and there is a lull in gaming. It can happen. And then suddenly you’re standing there with nothing to gamble on because there’s no Steam offer right now. And what do you do then? N / A? I agree.

Game you will definitely want to play next. Really now.

Actually, you’re really into this game. It has great reviews and has already been recommended to you by what feels like half the gamer circle. Everyone praises it and says it’s a must-have. But somehow you never get to actually play it.

The game must be really cursed, then something keeps getting in your way when you finally want to get started with it.

  • Sometimes your squad buddies want to play something together again.
  • Sometimes a time-limited event starts in an MMO that you play on the side that you actually want to take with you.
  • Sometimes a meteor hits your PC and prevents you from playing it.
  • Sometimes you accidentally summon Cthulhu and have to pay for it. really annoying.

But you’ll beat this game if it’s the last thing you do! It will definitely work next weekend.

The only game you actually play

Malicious gossips claim that Steam players don’t even play their games, but that’s a blatant lie. They do. Exactly one. Any Steam player can be very proud to show off exactly one game in which he or she has accumulated over 1,000 hours on Steam.

While dozens of games are vegetating in your library, this one game is started almost every day. Closing time after work? Gamble for a few hours. Some time in the lunch break? You can take a quick look. Bad weather at the weekend? Easy! You start the one most played Steam game.

It’s not like you don’t want to play other games at all. You will definitely try them later, they don’t run away. You just have to finish one run, level up the new character and farm some rare materials. Going fast.

Which of these games do you have in your Steam collection? What types of games do you think are included? Tell us in the comments.

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