Elden Ring: How To Find Seluvis And Complete His Questline (Solution)

Elden ring

The open world soulslike Elden ring confront you every now and then with the possibility momentous decisions to be taken, the consequences of which are often difficult or impossible to foresee. For example in the Quest line of the magician Seluviswho will give you a mysterious potion.

In this Guide we not only describe you exactly where you can find this client, but also tell you what it means Seluvis’ potion is about what you can do with the item and with which ones Changes in the game world you have to calculate based on your selection.

Elden Ring: Find Seluvis and complete his quest line, here’s how

Before you can even set off and visit Seluvis, you must meet a certain Progress in Elden Ring achieved. In order to be able to speak to the magician, you must do so House Caria visit and defeat the local boss. Then talk to me Ranni in her tower and accept her quest line.

If you’re having trouble finding Ranni, or need more information on her quest line, check out our guide Complete Ranni’s quest in Elden Ring: Complete the most important questline in the game. You will find many useful ones there Tips and Tricks and a detailed guide to Ranni’s quests.

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If you are with Rannis of your own accord, you can now use the Tower of Seluvis go and talk to the man. However, if you are part of the Quest line from Blaidd If you have gone to Ranni, you will first have to make a small detour after talking to the witch, since two orders now overlap.

In this case, you offer your services to Ranni and then go back to the base of the tower, where three ghosts waiting for you One of them is Seluvis, who invites you into his tower. Talk to him there and you’ll get this letter of recommendationwhich you turn to Sellen should bring. Did you deliver the letter and from Radahn learn, you can return to Seluvis.

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Seluvis’ quest line: Obtain Seluvis’ potion and what you can do with it

No matter which of the two paths you take, in the end you can visit Seluvis in his tower and talk to him. Exhaust the dialogue options and the magician will give you one if you confirm that you want to help him mysterious potionwho for the Warrior Nepheli is determined.

Nepheli Loux is also a client for a short questline, if you want to know more about it check out our guide Find Nepheli Loux and complete her questline, here’s how. But she is not the only potential recipient of the potion, because you can alternatively drink the brew Gideon or the Dung Eater present.

Depending on which path you choose, the plot will go in a different direction and the world of “Elden Ring” will change a bit. However, per run is only one option available, so think carefully about how the story ends best for you. You can then simply try alternatives in the NewGame+ out of.

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Deliver Seluvis’ potion to Nepheli or Gideon

If you do dung eater already excluded as an option, only Gideon and Nepheli remain. But before you have a chance to hand the drink to the warrior, you must accept their quest line and pursue to a point, for before that she becomes Seluvis’ potion always refuse.

So first find Nepheli in the Cell in Castle Stormveil up and exhaust all dialogue options with her. Then you conquer Godrick the transplanted in battle, talk to Gideon Ofnir and finally meet up again with Nepheli, who are now in the Round Table of Grace stops.

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Give the potion to Nepheli

Once you’ve followed Nepheli’s questline far enough, you can give her the potion, which will complete her quests no longer completed can become. The warrior becomes one of Seluvis’ dolls and can later be found in his secret stash. Seluvis is now available to you as a teacher and you can use his learn magic.

You now have that of your decision! © From Software/Bandai Namco

In addition, Seluvis one of a total of three possible ghost ashes give a gift. The doll of Dolores the sleeping arrow can only be obtained after giving the potion to Nepheli, otherwise you only have two options.

Once you have complied with Seluvis’ request and hand over the potion to Nepheli, you can use the Ashes of the Warrior in House Caria Find. To do this, visit the dealer on the roofs of the house and kill him, causing him to drop the coveted ashes.

Give the potion to Gideon

Once you have a chance to give the potion to Nepheli, go back to hers instead foster father Gideon and talk to him about Seluvis’ brew. This will give you the option to give the potion to Gideon, which he dispose will. Seluvis is still available to you afterwards magic teacher to disposal.

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Also, even if you have disposed of the potion from Gideon, you will receive a doll from Seluvis as a gift, Dolores the sleeping arrow in this case, however, you cannot choose from it and you have to make do with one of the other two.

If you refused Seluvis’ request, you can the ashes from the doll Dolores still obtained by killing the merchant in House Caria. You can find this by jumping over the roofs of the house.

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Delivered Seluvis’ potion to the Dung Eater

Alternatively, you can keep the potion for yourself and not give it to Gideon or Nepheli. This will allow you to complete the Warrior’s quest line, but it will interrupt Seluvis’ quest line. Because now you have to visit the dung eater and complete his questline to a very specific point.

We will tell you how exactly you do this in our guide Collect Bane of the Seedbed & Complete Dung Eater Quest in Elden Ring, Here’s how. Follow this guide until you get the real body of dung eater finds himself tied to a chair. Now you have the opportunity to give him the potion.

Be warned however, this act will result in the Dung Eater quest line no longer completed can be made, affecting the potential ending of the game. You can find out more about this in our guide The six known endings in the game and how to get them.

By giving the dung eater the potion of Seluvis, he becomes the Sorcerer’s Collection added and you can get it from Seluvis in the form of the Dung Eater Doll receive.

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Seluvis’ questline: The Amber Potion

However, the wizard’s quest line doesn’t end with the decision of who gets the potion from Seluvis, because there is a possibility to give him too his last secret to elicit. In order for Seluvis to tell you more about his plans, you have to tell him all his spells and at least one doll buy off

If Seluvis runs out of dolls, you can still trigger the event by placing a Starlight Shard collects. This is required even if you already have such an item in your inventory. Now return to the magician and he will tell you that he has a another potion want to brew.

Learn more about Seluvi’s plan. © From Software/Bandai Namco

This should be so strong that even Turn demigods into puppets to let. If you want to help him with this plan, it is now up to you, one starlight amber to get. Find him for that Earth Tree Viewpointsoutheast of House Vulcan on (see map), Seluvis then brings the requested item.

As a reward, the magician will give you the Magic scorpion talisman hand over, which increases your magic attacks, but at the same time lowers your damage resistance. Now travel to again Ranni’s tower and then back to Seluvis (or quit the game briefly) to have him give you his latest creation, the amber potion.

This potion is for Ranni. © From Software/Bandai Namco

You can now visit Ranni in her tower and try to sell the witch the brew. No matter what you decide, after that it’s back to Seluvis and this quest line in Elden ring will officially come to an end.

Will Ranni accept this delicious potion? © From Software/Bandai Namco
