Pokémon Go Fest 2022: tickets and all information about the digital event in the guide

Pokémon Go Fest 2022: tickets and all information about the digital event in the guide

The Pokémon Go Fest 2022 will take place on Saturday, June 4, 2022 and Sunday, June 5, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time and Niantic will be showing all sorts of Pokémon, promotions and bonuses. There’s even special research with Shaymin for ticket holders, but beware! Shop prices vary. In the Apple Store, the ticket is, among other things, two euros cheaper than in the Google Play Store! We have summarized everything that happens in the two days for you in the Pokémon Go Fest 2022 Guide!

Pokemon Go Fest 2022: Day 1

Saturday without a ticket

On Saturday, June 4, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., all Trainers can look forward to the following Pokémon and bonuses, even if they do not have an event ticket:

  • Hourly Habitats: Like last year, there will be Habitat Hours (City, Plains, Rainforest, and Tundra) that rotate throughout the event. In each hour, Pokémon living in these areas appear more frequently in the wild.
  • *If you’re lucky, you might even encounter a Shiny variant of this Pokémon!
  • City: Magnetilo*, Alolan Slime*, Nockchan*, Puppance*, Burmy* (rag cloak), Bronzel*, Dusselgurr*, Unratütox*, Mollimorba, Golbit, Flamiau, Gracidea Pikachu* and Galar Smogmog*
  • Plains: Girafarig*, Dummiesel*, Larvitar*, Camaub*, Knacklion*, Bamelin*, Nagelotz*, Rotomurf, Schnuthelm*, Geronimatz*, Leufeo*, Gracidea Pikachu*, and Milza*
  • Rainforest: Hydropi*, Samurzel,* Knilz*, Bummelz*, Chelast*, Chimpflam*, Toxiped, Laukaps*, Bithora, Algitt, Baut, Gracidea Pikachu* and Pam-Pam
  • Tundra: Amonitas*, Squeaky*, Wingull*, Meditie*, Wailmer*, Seamops*, Plinfa*, Gelatini, Sneaky*, Arktip, Robball, Gracidea Pikachu*, and Galarian Flampion*
  • In Tier 1 Raid Battles, you may encounter Gracidea Pikachu*, Milza*, and Wuffels*!
  • Arboretoss, Miezunder, and Marikeck appear in Tier 2 Raid Battles! These are the first evolutions of the starter Pokémon from the Alola region
  • Legendary Pokémon Kyogre* and Groudon* appear in Tier 5 Raid Battles!

Saturday with tickets

In addition to the above Pokémon, ticket holders will be attracted to the following Pokémon when Smoke is activated:

  • City: Galar Smogmog*, Unown B*, Unown G*, Unown O*, Unown U*, Klikk*
  • Level: Unown B*, Unown G*, Unown O*, Unown U*, Qurtel, Milza*
  • Rainforest: Unown B*, Unown G*, Unown O*, Unown U*, Tropius, Pam-Pam
  • Tundra: Galarian Mime, Unown B*, Unown G*, Unown O*, Unown U*, Galarian Flampion

Shaymin Special Research

As with every Pokémon Go Fest, there will also be special research on a legendary Pokémon in 2022! This time it’s the cute little Gratitude Pokémon Shaymin and you can learn more about it with Professor Willow. There’s also an exclusive item and pose for your avatar!

  • During the Special Research you have to make two irreversible choices, so choose wisely!
  • You can choose between the difficulty levels “Relaxed”, “Standard” or “Master”. There are different stickers for each level, otherwise the rewards are the same at each level.
  • You can also choose the focus – depending on how you prefer to play Pokémon Go, you can choose between “Catch”, “Explore” and “Fight”. Certain Special Research tasks will be adjusted according to your choice of focus.

Global Challenges

  • There will be global challenges that ticket holders around the world must complete together to unlock certain bonuses. If the goal of the challenge is reached, the bonus is activated for the remaining hour. You can follow global progress in the Today View.
  • Each Habitat Hour will have a Collector’s Challenge that will allow you to progress towards your Top Collector medal.
  • During the event period, your chance of getting Shiny Pokémon in the wild and when using Smoke will be increased. On Saturday this chance is much higher than on Sunday!
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