Destiny 2: All Armor Exotics from Season 17 and why you should definitely use one of them


Destiny 2 has also released an armor exotic for each class with the new Season 17. In addition to the exotic advantages, some even offer another plus and have the important champion mods sewn in directly. MeinMMO tells you which new armor exotics the season of the haunted offers and which class has already benefited twice from it.

In total, Season of the Haunted introduced 3 new exotic armor pieces (one per class) and, so far, 2 new weapon exotics with a catalyst.

The cool thing about the new Armor Exotics: With some it is worth twice as much to earn them. Bungie has started to give players the key champion mods right into the exotic armor traits. This not only saves you a mod slot, but is now also one of the most practical options against the annoying champions.

MeinMMO presents the respective strengths of the new armor exotics from Season 17 and tells you which champion mods they save you.

The new armor exotics from Season 17 at a glance

Hunter: “Caliban’s Hand” – Exotic Armguard

Hunter Arms – Caliban’s hand

What’s better than proximity mines? Naturally Proximity Blast Gauge. With this new armor exotic “Caliban’s Hand” (English: “Caliban’s Hand”), the hunters can now not only stab their opponents, but also roast them particularly nasty.

What can this armor exotic do?

  • Roast them: The Proximity Blast Gauge sears targets damaged by its explosions, or ignites on a direct hit. Throwing a proximity explosive knife also grants increased melee regeneration until the knife detonates.

Warlock: “Fire Drop” – Exotic Leg Armor

Warlock Legs – Drops of Fire

Does your Warlock like to use Fusion or Linear Fusion Rifles? Then treat him to the new leg protection exotic “Fire Drops” (English: “Rain of Fire”). With it you can triumph over your enemies in the air as a radiant Solar Warlock.

What can this armor exotic do?

  • Flying Fusilier: The armor exotic allows you to perform air dodges while reloading all weapons. The effectiveness of Fusion Rifles and Linear Fusion Rifles in the air will also be improved. Thanks to the exotic, final blows with these weapons also grant Radiant, allowing you to deal more damage.

Titan: “Second Chance” – Exotic Armguard

Titan Arms – Second Chance

Finally have shoulders worthy of a true titan? Then grab this exotic with the stylish satellite dishes. It is intended for Void Titans who like to toss the shield and take a Second Chance. In addition, you have installed the anti-barrier mod with this armor exotic.

What can this armor exotic do?

  • Myrmidon Range: Gain a second charge of the throw-shield melee attack, which becomes shield-busting, allowing it to stun anti-barrier champions.

Can any class use this champion perk? So far there are only two armor exotics in the game that have built-in champion mods.

Alongside Titan’s Second Chance, Bungie added an equally symbiotic Exo to Warlocks with Secant Filaments at the launch of Witch Queen. Once equipped, this armor exotic automatically grants supercharge rounds to the warlock’s weapons while in a Fortifying Rift.

Destiny 2 Secant Filaments
The first Armor Exo with built-in ÜberCharge Champion Mod: “Secant Filaments”

There is currently no indication that more exotic armor pieces will be introduced over the course of Season 17. However, should this change, we will update this article for you. It’s more likely that Season 18 hunters could get their new armor exotic, which then becomes an unstoppable option.

Important to know: This armor exotic trait does not override the intrinsic perk of weapons. This is to avoid conflicts with seasonal champion mods.

How to get the new Armor Exos: Unlike at the start of Witch Queen, where there was still an exotic to choose from at the end of the campaign, you only get the exotics presented here as a random drop from Lost Sectors. To do this, you must play it on Legendary or Grandmaster difficulty and also complete this activity solo.

Have you had any luck and been able to fish and try out the new armor exotics? Then tell us and the other readers of MeinMMO about your experiences in the comments.