LoL: One of the best of all time wants to work as a pro again at 25 – fails at 19-year-old

LoL: One of the best of all time wants to work as a pro again at 25 – fails at 19-year-old

The Chinese Jian “Uzi” Zi-Hao is considered a legendary ADC in League of Legends, perhaps the best mechanical player of all time. He was a professional for 8 years – in 2020 he has to retire. His body didn’t cooperate anymore. In 2022 he wanted to do it again, but his comeback now ends lackluster with his dismissal. The team probably just found a 19-year-old better.

Who is Uzi?

  • The 25-year-old Chinese began his professional career in 2012 at Royal Club, one of the strongest LoL teams to this day. From the start, Uzi was known as a “mechanically brilliant” player: he was simply faster than anyone else with a mouse and keyboard. His international achievements include finals at Worlds 2013 and 2014, in the “good old days of LoL” and a Seig at MSI 2018.
  • Despite being so extremely strong mechanically, Uzi was always considered difficult and hot-headed. He grumbled regularly with his support, escalated into negative situations and somehow he always lacked discipline. Still, he was known for playing with heroes who have Dash abilities like Vayne, Caitlyn or Ezrael. With them he set standards.
  • In May 2020, Uzi surprisingly ended his career at the age of 23. At the time he said his arms were broken and his body couldn’t cope. He also suffers from type 2 diabetes. He just couldn’t take it anymore, he had to recover. It was believed that his extreme click speed after 8 years as a pro left his arms like those of a man twice his age.

LoL: Uzi (22) is considered the best ADC in the world, has broken “arms like a 50-year-old”

Weak team from China signs Uzi and 19-year-old ADC in December 2021

This was the comeback: In December 2021, Uzi was suddenly back: he wanted to play as an ADC for team “Bilibili Gaming”, a team at the lower end of the LPL. From the start it was said that he should be used carefully and has been given breaks every now and then.

The team started with a 6-man squad, the position of ADC was filled twice: in addition to Uzi, Doggo was also on the team. He is 6 years younger than Uzi.

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Bilibili Gaming also brought in the much younger ADC Doggo (Taiwan, 19) alongside Uzi in December 2021.

How did the comeback go? It wasn’t until mid-February 2021 before Uzi made his first game.

Back in March 2022, the team announced that Uzi was taking a break to focus on his fitness and work on synergy with the team.

19-year-old Doggo now completely replaces Uzi

This is how it went now: Ultimately, however, the experiment proved to be a failure. Uzi didn’t come back from the break. Now, on June 1st, the team has announced that Uzi is leaving Bilibili Gaming.

Ultimately, Uzi only took part in 4 games of the team, played a total of 9 matches – in China they play “Best of 3” series.

He did have a strong debut on Jinx. As Inven reports, however, he could not keep the form and could not assert himself against the 19-year-old Doggo (via

  • Ultimately, Uzi could only win one of the 4 series he played. Of the 9 games he won only 4.
  • Doggo, on the other hand, was used in 43 matches and will now become Bilibli-Gaming’s sole ADC. They finished last season in 8th place with 9-7 runs and 20-18 games.

Returning to the LPL in February 2022, Uzi looked like he was still at it:

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LoL is not an “old man’s game”

This is behind it: LoL is really a game for “young people”, at 23 you’re old-school. There are cases in which players much older than Uzi made a comeback, but mostly in much weaker leagues: the LPL in particular is considered to be tough.

LoL seems to be like soccer: If players are known for their physical abilities, for their speed and athleticism, like Uzi, they find it much more difficult in old age than players who are known for their game intelligence or their positional play are known.

His comeback went much better for him:

LoL pro resigned in 2020 after disaster at Worlds – now dominates the American league