Starfield: First Gameplay // Spaceship Building, 1000+ Planets & More – News

Starfield: First Gameplay // Spaceship Building, 1000+ Planets & More - News

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With today’s Xbox & Bethesda Showcase, there was finally more of the SF RPG Starfield seen as nebulous render trailers and panel discussions with artworks. In a 15-minute trailer, Bethesda gave a first impression of the game world.

There was a cross section of various aspects of the game to see. At the beginning, the character walks across the barren rocky planet of Kreet in first-person and third-person views with the only passively present robo-companion Vasco. Local fauna was not shot directly, but pirates who had nested in a research laboratory. Things got down to business both in the corridors and on the outside of the building. An enemy blew up when their jetpack was hit, and the character’s jetpack was also used.

This was followed by a foretaste of the story and factions. Your alter ego finds a piece of a mysterious artifact and is sent by the Constellation faction to find out more about it and unearth more pieces of it – a good basis as it requires traveling through space. Other factions also have quite a bit of interest in the artifacts. Accompanying short video snippets showed, among other things, large-looking futuristic cities.

There were also screens for character editor, passive traits, skills (which improve with use and challenges completed), and weapon modification crafting. On planets you will be similar to in Fallout 4 build outposts. You also build your ships yourself. You recruit NPCs so that they work in your posts or join the crew of your ship. You fly your self-made companions yourself and defend yourself with firepower if necessary.

Creative Director Todd Howard announced that Starfield should combine the best of the studio’s previous titles and that it is a monster of scale: There are more than 1000 freely exploreable planets in over 100 systems.

Starfield was recently announced to be moving from 11/11/2022 to 2023.