AC Valhalla: The last DLC comes at the end of 2022 and is free

AC Valhalla: The last DLC comes at the end of 2022 and is free

Although we are coming with info on the rumored Assassin’s Creed titles Rift and Infinity have to wait until a live stream in September, Ubisoft’s most recent 15th anniversary presentation revealed at least new information about the current offshoot. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla doesn’t just get one Roguelite mode missed, but also finally ends Eivor’s story.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: The End of Eivor’s Saga

The Viking protagonist of AC Valhalla has had a lot of adventures. Already the main game with its huge open world demanded a lot from the assassin, but then he also threw himself into battle against a cult on Ireland in the Wrath of the Druids DLC and took part in an endurance battle in France in the Siege of Paris DLC.

With the third and biggest DLC, The Marks of Ragnarok, you drifted Eivor’s story to the extreme and delved once again into the supernatural elements surrounding Odin and his sons. Eivor’s story wasn’t over yet, but now a conclusion is finally in sight: at the end of this year, fans should be in one free DLC be allowed to accompany the Viking on his last steps.

New roguelite mode called Forgotten Saga

The newly announced one will also be free Roguelite mode for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (buy now €24.99 /€53.99 )who is on the name Forgotten Saga hears. In the summer you should be able to plunge into Niflheim, the realm of death, in the new mode. Although of course you want to jump off the shovel so as not to start from the beginning again.