Destiny 2: Where to get mods

Destiny 2 Map Ada 1 Banshee 44 Location

Mods are important in Destiny 2 and support you in the fight with helpful bonuses. But where do you get mods from and why are they so important? You can find out here at MeinMMO.

Where can I get mods from? There are two reliable places to get mods in Destiny 2. These are located on the “Tower” player HUB and can be controlled by any Guardian, regardless of level.

We’ll embed a picture for you and mark them on the tower map so you know where to find them.

Destiny 2 Map Ada 1 Banshee 44 Location
Here we have marked the locations of the dealers for you

These vendors sell new mods daily for 10,000 Glimmer. Note that Banshee-44 only sells weapon mods and Ada-1 only sells armor mods. So if you haven’t gotten all the modifications of your armor and weapons yet, you should check them out every day.

However, there are also mods that can be earned seasonally through the strategy table in the HELM, like the Elemental Source mods in Season 13.

If you missed a season, don’t worry, because these modifications will also end up in Ada-1’s inventory over time.

All major types of mods

There are many types of mods tied to mechanics, such as elemental source mods or light charges. The following species are known so far:

Armor Mods

  • Elemental Source Mods – Bound to generateable elemental sources
  • Charged with Light Mod – Bound to Orbs of Light
  • Raid Mods – Tied to mechanics from raids such as:
    • Glass chamber
    • Last wish
    • student’s oath
    • Garden of Salvation
    • Deep Stone Crypt
  • Warmind Cell Mod – Bound to spawnable Warmind Cells
  • Armor mods that support your weapons – Differs per armor piece
    • helmet
      • Ammo Finder Mod
      • Aiming Mod
    • gauntlets
      • Reload Mod
      • Handling Mod
    • chest protector
      • Ammo Reserve Mod
      • Mods that reduce flinching when fired upon
    • leg armor
      • Holster mod
      • Looter Mod

weapon mods

  • Mods that increase your damage to specific targets – Affected targets are:
    • bosses
    • majors
    • Minor opponent
    • possessed
  • Other mods that give your weapons bonuses like better aiming or a larger magazine
  • Adept Mods – These can only be obtained from Apex Dawn and Trials of Osiris
    • Can only be socketed on Adept weapons

Why are mods important? Mods are especially important to give you a more relaxed life as a Guardian. You get bonuses when you put together your build with the right mods. This creates a synergy that benefits you in battle.

Mods are a must, especially in the endgame, as they can either keep you alive longer or even stop annoying champions. So if you want to get into the endgame, a daily visit to the Mod Vendors in Destiny 2 is a must.

What do you think of the current mods available to Guardians? Do you own them all and finally want to discover new mods? Let’s find out in the comments.