A Plague Tale: Requiem has its final release date and I now have 118 days of anticipation

Amicia also stars in the second part of A Plague Tale.

Amicia also stars in the second part of A Plague Tale.

Amicia also stars in the second part of A Plague Tale.

For me, A Plague Tale: Requiem is one of the most interesting titles that will be released this year, which of course is largely due to the excellent predecessor A Plague Tale: Innocence.

It was already known that the title should come in 2022, but now there is finally something concrete. In a compact showcase, publisher Focus and developer Asobo have announced the release date of the game:

Accordingly, A Plague Tale Requiem will be released on October 18, 2022 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC. The title will also come as a cloud version for the Nintendo Switch and will be available in Game Pass immediately upon release.

Tobias Veltin

The first A Plague Tale came out of nowhere for Tobi and fascinated him above all with its gripping story, the gloomy setting and the story of the two siblings Amicia and Hugo. Accordingly, he is waiting with anticipation for the second part and is curious to see whether it can reach the level of quality of its predecessor and maybe even surpass it.

New gameplay features Amicia and Hugo in action

So that gives me 118 days of anticipation until the release and why I have them was proven once again in the showcase. Because there were almost 20 minutes of gameplay scenes to see, which at least made me want to play the title again. In the gameplay sequence, the two protagonists, Amicia and Hugo, flee from enemy guards in a large quarry in which the two have to avoid and fight numerous enemies.

In order to accomplish this, the two have, among other things, a special focus view that makes opponents visible behind walls with the help of the rats. Later, things get much more violent, Amicia uses a crossbow and fire torches, among other things, to get rid of the opponents who are looking for them, which is somewhat reminiscent of The Last of Us Part 2.

However, this does not make it an all-destroying killing machine, even with Requiem the enemies are in the majority, which is why it is always a good idea to carefully walk in front of and avoid opponents from time to time.

You can watch the full gameplay here:

A Plague Tale: Requiem now has a release - New gameplay from the story hope


A Plague Tale: Requiem now has a release – New gameplay from the story hope

Even more about A Plague Tale: Requiem and a tip for the first part

Colleague Dennis was recently able to try out a section of A Plague Tale: Requiem. He really enjoyed the sequence, but he also sees a few risks. You can read exactly what these are in his preview of the game.

A Plague Tale: Requiem could fall into the is bigger, better trap


more on the subject

A Plague Tale: Requiem could fall into the ‘is bigger, better’ trap

Part 1 in Game Pass: If you have the Xbox Game Pass and want to catch up with the excellent predecessor, you can do this quite comfortably with the game service. The action-adventure is currently still part of the Game Pass and can therefore be downloaded and played without any additional fees apart from the subscription costs.

Are you looking forward to A Plague Tale: Requiem?
