Final Fantasy XIV: It’s so easy to get the cool Diabolos wings in Endwalker

The early access of Final Fantasy XIV’s new Endwalker addon is here and players can now enjoy a wide variety of content. The chic Accessiore Diabolos wing, which you can easily get right at the beginning.

Attention: The article may contain spoilers from the early hours of Endwalker.

How to get the wings: To get to the place where you get the wings, you first have to play through the intro of Endwalker and arrive in the new city of Sharlayan.

There you will get the freedom over your character after a few story sequences and you can move around the city. As soon as you have completed the story quest “Strolling in Old Sharlayan”, you get access to a side quest called “High hunt of the robbers 1”.

  • NPC: Northota
  • In Alt-Sharlayan X: 11.7 / Y: 13.2

Talk to her to unlock the high hunt in the new areas. Then you can have a look at the guild’s new goods at the NPC J’lakshai right next door.

There you will also find the Diabolos wings, which you can exchange immediately for 800 Kupo trophies, if you have collected any in Shadowbringers.

ffxiv diabolos wings ingame
This is what the wings look like in play (they even flap a little when jumping).

You can also buy: In addition to the wings, the good drawer has a wide range of useful things that you can also buy directly if you have the necessary trophies. This includes:

  • The new Nagxian cat companion
  • Notenrolle “Unbowed”
  • The training manikin for level 90
  • And loads of new Level IX and X materia

This is how the Early Access works so far: Early access to the new content started on December 3rd at 10:00 a.m. Immediately queues of up to 8,000 players in some places had formed.

While some of the players got through and played relatively quickly, others had to grapple with errors 2002 and 5006, which they threw out of the queue. That made sure that they had to queue up again and spoiled the mood for some.

You can find all information about Endwalker in the following article:

Final Fantasy XIV brings new expansion Endwalker – release date and all information