The 1st Pro Controller of the PS5 is sold over 100,000 times in 3 hours

Many users want more controllers for their PlayStation 5. Now a manufacturer has presented a controller with paddles for the PS5. However, the controller is sold out after a few hours.

This is the status of controllers for the PS5: A controller is the most important instrument for gamers who want to play on their console. But at the moment there is only one controller for the PS5 that offers you all the known functions of the DualSense on the PS5 and that is the official DualSense controller from Sony.

Now, however, SCUF has introduced the Reflrex Pro, a Pro controller with special functions for the PS5. This controller should not only offer well-known features, but also deliver a few extras.

On December 7th, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. you could buy the new SCUF Reflex, but after three hours the controller was already sold out. SCUF itself wrote in an email that was sent to customers that more than 100,000 controllers had been sold.

The SCUF Reflex is the first non-Sony PS5 controller

What functions does the controller offer? The design of the Reflex Pro from SCUF is very similar to the official DualSense controller for the PS5.

The controller offers you a symmetrical layout. This means that both thumbsticks are located on the front of the controller, symmetrically to each other. As with the DualSense controller, the directional pad is on the left, while the icon buttons are on the right.

Like the DualSense controller, the Reflex Pro also uses a Bluetooth connection with the console and offers you a jack connection for your headphones.

Also included are the adaptive triggers, which were first introduced with the DualSense controller. This means that the press of a button on the trigger adapts to the gameplay situation: A shotgun, for example, feels different to when you are running through fast.

There are paddles on the back of the controller – a must for many shooter players.

The SCUF Reflex Pro aims to be an improved DualSense controller

What is the difference to the DualSense controller? The SCUF Reflex Pro offers you a few additional functions that the official controller does not offer:

  • You can exchange the controller’s thumbsticks.
  • The Reflex Pro also offers configurable paddles.
  • In addition, you can save important settings on the controller. There is a small button on the back with which you can switch profiles.

What does the controller cost? There are currently three different models of the controller. The prices for the SCUF Reflex are 219.00 euros and go up to 269.00 euros (for the FPS version).

SCUF Reflex Pro SCUF Reflex FPS SCUF Reflex
Configurable paddles And And And
Performance-Griff And And no
Adaptive Trigger And no And
Instant-Trigger & Bumper no And no
Interchangeable thumpsticks And And And
Bluetooth connection And And And
Vibrationsmodule And no And
Mute-Taste And And And
Integrated profile memory And And And
USB-C And And And
price 239,99 Euro 269,99 Euro 219,99 Euro
All three models of the SCUF Reflex at a glance

The price is the basic price. Because if you want to make adjustments such as different handles or colors, it costs you extra. You can only order the controller directly from the manufacturer (via

You cannot play PS5 games without a PS5 controller

Why is there a need for a PS5 controller at all? Sony has already made it clear that you absolutely need a DualSense controller for PS5 games, you cannot play PS5 games with your PS4 controller. Above all, this disappointed many users who had grown fond of their old equipment.

PS4 games can also be played on the PS5 using a PS4 controller. However, if you want to play the current top titles on the PS5, then you absolutely need a PS5 controller.

Other PS4 accessories also work on the PS5. These are, for example, steering wheels or flight sticks. This also includes wireless headsets and more specialized accessories. The PlayStation Camera for the PS4 also works together with the PS5 – a free adapter takes care of that.

These are the best PS4 and PS5 controllers you can buy in 2021