CoD Vanguard now even sells skins for Killcams – “What in God’s name is that?”

With Season 1 of Call of Duty: Vanguard came the first Battle Pass of the game. This introduces a new kind of cosmetic customization. The players can’t believe what they are seeing and would like to look the other way. They find it not only greedy, but also incredibly ugly. MeinMMO (unfortunately) shows you what it looks like.

Cosmetic skins in games haven’t been news for years. This is especially true for shooters. Whether via in-game shops, Battle Pass rewards or at events: Shooter players can unlock things in almost every modern game with which they can customize their characters and weapons according to their own preferences.

With the start of Season 1 of CoD Vanguard, the developers have started to sell skins for another aspect of the game: The Killcam. And that doesn’t go down well with players. They don’t just find it greedy of the developers – they find it, above all, incredibly ugly.

Traditional feature since 2007 gets a new coat of paint

What is the killcam? The Killcam has been an integral part of the CoD games since 2007. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare started with this: If you are asked, see your own death from the perspective of your killer before respawning. This mechanic is still in the game series 14 years later. It has since been expanded to include a final kill cam for all players from the last kill in a round. With Vanguard there was also a “Play of the Game” killcam – but it doesn’t always work.

What is a killcam skin? Since the start of the 1st season you can now decorate this killcam with skins. This is a novelty in the CoD games. A Killcam skin can look like this:

This Killcam skin is called “Cockpit” and will probably be available for purchase at a later date in Season 1.

How do I get a Killcam skin? Some of the currently available Killcam skins are included in the Battle Pass – some as free activation, others only with the Premium Battle Pass. Other skins are available through shop bundles. The Killcam skin “In die Luft,” which is shown in the contribution picture, is part of the bundle “Hidden Agenda.” This costs 1500 CP in the in-game currency, which is around € 15.

“They’re so desperate for new things to pay for.”

How do the fans react? This innovation is not well received in the Vanguard communities. The main Reddit thread on the subject has almost 2,000 upvotes and is titled, “This is probably one of the worst ideas I’ve ever seen for a cosmetic.” (via reddit)

Of the hundreds of comments on this post, many are even more cynical:

  • jimk1692 writes: What in God’s name is that? ” (via reddit)
  • Promlematique_ is annoyed: “They are so desperately looking for new things that we can pay for. It’s laughable. ” (via reddit)
  • Nefferel writes: “Jesus … the picture looks like it could be from the Nintendo 64 or something. Looks terrible.” (via reddit)
  • Azazel-brah says: “Reminds me of Buzz Lightyear. I can see the stickers slowly coming off the corners. ” (via reddit)
  • Lew1989 sums it up like this: “Looks hideous.” (via reddit)

Have the developers reacted yet? Activision and Sledgehammer Games have not yet commented on these reactions. The competition from EA and DICE was able to say in similar fan protests that the unpopular skins ended up in the game unintentionally. Such a statement will probably not work in this case.

What do you think of these skins? Do you like them, optically? Do you think the CoD Vanguard monetization is going too far? Or do you find the skins and other cosmetics that can be bought harmless and therefore the discussion unnecessary? Let us know in the comments.

The Killcam skins are not the only skins in CoD Vanguard that are currently causing problems. Above all, you should avoid one operator at the moment, because:

A character in CoD Vanguard is just so broken that it crashes the game