WoW fixed the most annoying problem for twinks in Shadowlands

Fresh characters at level 60 in World of Warcraft only had scruffy media. A hotfix has now fixed that – and almost completely removed the problem.

With the 9.1.5 patch, Blizzard has made the leveling of characters in World of Warcraft much easier. Many catch-up mechanics also ensure that a fresh hero at level 60 is soon ready for action. The biggest shortcoming so far, however, was the lack of media – but this has now been remedied with a hotfix.

What was the problem? A fresh character at level 60 must collect all media from the lowest level. So he first finds media at item level 145 (or a little higher, depending on the equipment) through world quests. But media make up a large part of a character’s strengths. That’s why you have to embrace all the media before you can be a really useful team member in dungeons and raids or in PvP.

What has WoW changed now? “In passing”, Blizzard has brought a new item into play, the “Incense of Infinity”. You can buy them from the NPC “Au’Dara”. It’s in Oribos on the upper level, right next to the flight master and costs a stupid 500 gold pieces.

WoW incense of infinity

If a character uses this item, he learns all media of his current pact at item level 200.

While this is not the maximum, most media already have a large part of their power at this level. From there it is much easier to only upgrade the desired media in Korthia and Torghast or to get them from dungeons and raids.

What are the requirements? In order to be able to buy the item, at least one character on your account must have already reached the pact rank at level 80. Anyone who played halfway actively should have already done so. The corresponding character can then buy the “Incense of Infinity” and simply send it to all second characters. They can use the item even if the character is just freshly level 60 and has chosen a pact.

Have you already given your twinks the good media? Or does the item finally offer you enough incentive to try out a new character again?