Pokémon GO: Field Research January 2022 – All Rewards

All field research in January 2022 at Pokémon GO and its rewards are shown here in the overview. There are rewards again for catching, throwing, interacting with friends, fighting and more.

What has changed? To coincide with the start of January 2022, the developers of Pokémon GO changed some field research that you can earn by rotating photo discs. Here in the overview we show you the new quests and rewards that you can now solve and receive.

You also have the chance to meet Shinys again. Pokémon that you can encounter in the dazzling form are marked with a here in the article

Star. Quests for which the task or the reward changed are marked with (new).

Catch | Field research in January 2022 research
reward Catch 5 Pokémon (New)
meeting with
Rihorn * Catch 7 Pokémon
meeting with
Karpador *
Catch a kite
meeting with
Dratini * or child worm *
Catch 5 different species
from Pokémon (new)
meeting with
Burmy * (all 3 Forms)
Catch 5 Pokémon
Weather boost
meeting with
Hippopotamus *
or snow cover *
Use 5 berries
Catching Pokémon (New)
meeting with

Waumpel *

Throw | Field research in January 2022 research
Land 5 curveball throws
one after the other (new)
meeting with
Tannza * Get 5 good throws
meeting with
Dummy * Get 5 great throws
meeting with
Snubbull *,
or Anorith *
Get 3 great throws
behind each other
Encounter with
Get 5 great curveball throws
behind each other
meeting with
Pandir* 4
Land 3 fabulous throws
behind each other
meeting with


Buddy & Friends | Field research in January 2022 research
Earn 5 hearts with
your buddy (new)
Encounter with
Evoli * Open 5 presents (new)
meeting with
Loafing * Swap a Pokémon (new)
meeting with
Bidiza *
Earn 2 candies through
Walking with your buddy
meeting with
Earn 3 candies through
Walking with your buddy
meeting with


Fight | Field research in January 2022 research
Fight twice in the
GO Battle League (neu)
meeting with
Flunschlick Win 2 raids (new)
meeting with
Relaxo* Defeat a Rocket Boss (New)
meeting with
Win a level 3 raid
or higher
meeting with
Ammonites *
or Kabuto * Win 5 raids
meeting with


Develop & Power-Ups | Field research in January 2022 research
reward Develop a Pokémon
meeting with
Evoli *
Use 3 power-ups
meeting with
Glumanda *
or Schiggy *
Use 5 power-ups
meeting with
Endivie *,
Fiery hedgehog *
or Karnimani *
Use 7 power-ups
meeting with
Geckarbor *,
Flemmli *

or Hydropi *

Eggs, snapshot and kilometer research research
reward Hatch an egg
meeting with
Mantax Hatch 2 eggs
meeting with
Tanhel * Hatch 3 Eggs (New)
meeting with
Chaneira *
Spin 3 PokéStops or
meeting with
Spin 5 PokéStops or
meeting with
Behind the*
Take a snapshot
of a wild Pokémon (new)
meeting with
Kramurx *,
Miltank *
oder Burn* Walk 2 Kilometers (New)
meeting with


Research breakthrough in January 2022 What’s in it?

The research breakthrough in January 2022 is an encounter with Onix. Originally it was planned that you could also farm mega energies for Stahlos during the encounter, but a mistake meant that the developers had to reschedule.

Now you get the mega energies through a limited research, in which you should just catch Pokémon. This is particularly easy to solve and then provides you with 50 mega energies per step.

How do you like the field research and the research breakthrough in January 2022? Are there any quests or rewards that you value a lot?
