Is the bargain of shared accounts on Netflix over?

Netflix’s plans for shared accounts are increasingly opaque, it seems that the company is not satisfied with the way in which users use this service.

It seems that the war of streaming platforms against users who share accounts has not ended in 2021. Despite the fact that the most normal and conventional is to share the different streaming platforms, it seems that this does not like companies. Netflix is ​​one of those that has shown the most its rejection of this practice.

We are only five days into 2022, but it seems that they have already started to move on this chessboard where each move can mean life or death. What has happened is that they are talking about preventing users from sharing the different plans offered by the platform.

It may seem ridiculous when you consider that the own platform offers plans intended to be shared with others, but what Netflix wants to do is that the people who are in any of these plans live together and, logically, form part of the same family nucleus.

Come on, if you share the plan of the four profiles; the four people who have to live together. This approach is completely disproportionate if we take into account that, at present, it is difficult for a family to live in the same home, either for study or work reasons..

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The uproar over Netflix’s plans It has been caused by a message that has appeared in several user accounts, this message communicated to users that they acquired their own Netflix account and a plan for this service. In addition, a code was requested to continue viewing the content.

This code would be sent to the email of the person who manages the Netflix plan and, logically, the rest would have to enter it to continue watching the series and movies. The streaming company has already spoken and commented that this method is used to ensure that people have legitimate access to the service.

It will be necessary to be attentive to the movements of the streaming platform, although we hope they do not decide to continue on this path. And, is that, many users will not be willing to pay for personal plans, being able to share an account with friends, family or partner without having to live in the same home.