From Software: From Software: Details of a new Armored Core game allegedly emerged in a survey

According to current information, developer studio From Software is apparently working on the next part of Armored Core. A user from the ResetERA-Forum took part in a survey a few days ago, which not only included a description of the game, but also first pictures and two gameplay videos, each 30 seconds long. However, the material could not be divided because of a watermark. However, there is a screenshot of the description in the forum. Here the game is presented as a third-person mecha shooter in a large open game world. Behind the project is again Hidetaka Miyazaki, who was also responsible for the worlds of Dark Souls and Elden Ring.

One of the two gameplay videos is said to have shown the first boss fight of the new Armored Core game. According to the user in the ResetERA forum, similarities to the Souls series should have been noticed here. Apparently there was also evidence of a co-op mode for the project. From Software has repeatedly mentioned in the past that Armored Core is still an issue for the studio. In 2012, Armored Core 5, the last offshoot to date for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, was released. The release of Elden Ring is planned for February 25, 2022. Maybe afterwards there will be first details about the new Armored Core from From Software.