PlayStation fans collect at least one trophy a day for 3,000 consecutive days

Perhaps the most glaring part of it is that this person even managed to play every day for 8 years.
Perhaps the most glaring part of it is that this person even managed to play every day for 8 years.

PlayStation trophies awaken our collecting instinct. Some people give in to it completely or discover a very special passion for it. Like PlayStation fan Shadiochao: This person has unlocked a trophy every single day for a whopping 8 years – exactly 3,000 days in a row. This downright insane streak started on October 25, 2013, with a GTA 5 trophy on the PS3, which can no longer be unlocked at all.

A PlayStation fan has earned at least one trophy every day for 8 years

This is what it’s about: For years it has been possible to unlock trophies for certain achievements in games on PS3, PS4, PS5 and PS Vita. For smaller things you get bronze, silver for bigger things and gold is the most valuable trophy. If you have mastered all the challenges in a game and won all the other trophies, you will receive the coveted platinum goblet.

3,000 days in a row: Shadiochao now presents the beginning of his trophy-collecting streak in a post on Reddit. The person has unlocked a PlayStation trophy every single day for 3,000 days. This means that for over 8 years not only was gamble played every day, but a trophy was also achieved every day.

Considerable performance: We should all know how difficult it can sometimes be to find time to play at all. The idea of ​​actually gambling every single day seems pretty utopian. But Shadiochao has obviously succeeded, and has done so for eight years.

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How does it work? In the comments below the post, Shadiochao reveals that she helped own a PS Vita. In addition, some started or easier games have apparently been put on hold so that trophies can be unlocked quickly and easily if necessary. Fortunately, there was probably not a single day on which Shadiochao was so sick that it could not be played at all.

The downsides of this action are obvious: At some point the pressure increases to really get hold of a trophy every day. Shadiochao wasn’t always happy with the approach either. In one comment, the human writes that he is considering ending the streak at 3,000 days. Among other things, because games were played for the trophies that Shadiochao actually had no desire to.

More on the subject:

Hard to believe, but there is probably at least one PlayStation fan whose trophy streak lasts longer. At least according to the TrueTrophies website, on which PlayStation fans can track and display their trophies. Here you can find Shadiochaos Trophy Streak. On the Leaderboard However, there is still another name emblazoned about Shadiochao, namely G6tDAYhfe with an incredible 3,281 days in a row, but a total of around 5,000 trophies less.

Have you ever tried something similar? Would you be able to play really every day?